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Het overzicht van de statistiek van de lonen in branche "Onderwijs in "

2 500 € Gemiddeld maandsalaris

Niveau van het gemiddelde loon in banche "Onderwijs" tijdens laatste 12 maanden in

Valuta: EUR USD Jaar: 2024
Op de staafdiagram zijn gegevens van de verandering van het gemiddelde loon in voorgesteld.

Verdeeling van de vakatures in de branche "Onderwijs" in

Valuta: EUR
Op het diagram kunnen jullie zien dat in meeste vakatures in de branche Onderwijs in open zijn. Op de tweede plaats staat Arnhem en op de derde plaats Nijmegen.

Top van de regionen in volgens niveau van het loon in branche "Onderwijs"

Valuta: EUR
Op het diagram kunnen jullie zien dat in meeste vakatures in de branche Onderwijs in open zijn. Op de tweede plaats staat Arnhem en op de derde plaats Nijmegen.

Aanbevolen vacatures

Business Developer Kantoren en Vastgoed
EW Facility Services, Arnhem
Vorige Pagina Business Developer Kantoren en Vastgoed 32-40 uur Arnhem 2021-06-07 https://www.ew.nl/vacature/business-developer-kantoren-vastgoed/ ArnhemSolliciteer nu! Jij bent op zoek naar die uitdagende baan waar jij jouw ervaring als salesprofessional in kan zetten. Jij behaalt targets en versnelt onze groei binnen het segment Kantoren & Vastgoed met o.a. consultative selling. Met jouw gedrevenheid, ambities en netwerk breng jij onze organisatie naar de volgende fase. Jij bent de Business Developer bij EW Facility Services!De functieJij realiseert als Business Developer de groeidoelstellingen van EW Facility Services. Jij maakt gebruik van jouw netwerk en zoekt altijd naar innovatieve manieren om te presteren en scoren. Jij identificeert kansen en weet de trends in de markt te benutten om jouw doelen te behalen. Doordat jij je verbonden voelt met de kernwaarden van EW Facility Services, draag jij deze met enthousiasme en kracht uit. Jij weet hiermee interessante opdrachtgevers voor je te winnen.Het creëren van de beste, passende oplossing voor prospects is voor jou vanzelfsprekend. Met enthousiasme begeleidt jij het commerciële proces van begin tot eind. Jij draagt als zelfstandige Business Developer veel verantwoordelijkheden. Samen met de rest van het commerciële team til jij EW Facility Services naar een hoger level. Daarnaast heb jij ook veel contact met de andere afdelingen binnen onze organisatie.De organisatieEW Facility Services is een succesvolle facilitair dienstverlener. Door een hoog kwaliteitsniveau, zichtbare schoonmaakdienstverlening, flexibele uitvoering en op maat gemaakte oplossingen verhogen wij de schoonmaakbeleving van de medewerkers, onze opdrachtgevers en hun gasten.In de afgelopen jaren hebben wij in de segmenten kantoren & vastgoed, zorg, onderwijs, leisure en travel naam gemaakt en onze omzet stevig uitgebreid. Wendbaarheid, betrouwbaarheid en Hospitality zit in ons DNA waardoor wij ons onderscheiden van andere aanbieders in de markt. Ons marktleiderschap in de hotelbranche staat garant voor innovatieve belevingsconcepten, Hospitality en wendbaarheid.Jouw profielJij bent als Business Developer het gezicht van EW Facility Services richting potentiële opdrachtgevers. Het is dan vanzelfsprekend dat jij je verbonden voelt met onze kernwaarden. Daarnaast:Beschik jij over hbo werk- en denkniveau;Heb jij succesvolle saleservaring in de zakelijke dienstverlening (ca. 8 jaar), bij voorkeur in het Segment Kantoren & Vastgoed;Bezit jij over een relevant netwerk met de juiste stakeholders om te benaderen waarmee je nieuwe opdrachtgevers realiseert;Haal jij energie uit het initiatief nemen en oplossingen creëren om te scoren;Heb jij affiniteit met Hospitality en draagt daardoor de Hospitality gedachte van EW Facility Services goed uit!Wij biedenEW Facility Services is een dynamische, groeiende organisatie. Jij hebt in jouw functie een belangrijke rol bij het uitbouwen van ons opdrachtgeversportfolio en het onderhouden van contacten met intermediairs. Jij krijgt als Business Developer bij EW Facility Services; Een zelfstandige, uitdagende en actieve baan; Vrijheid in het organiseren van je eigen werk; Een goed, onderhandelbaar salaris passend bij de functie en jouw werkervaring; Een bonusregeling op basis van financiële targets; Een fulltime dienstverband van 40 uur per week, 32 uur is bespreekbaar; Een contract van 12 maanden waarvan 1 maand proeftijd;Een laptop, Iphone en tablet/Ipad;Een leaseauto met de mogelijkheid tot privé gebruik;Jaarlijks 26 vakantiedagen met de mogelijkheid 5 dagen bij te kopen (o.b.v. een fulltime dienstverband);8% opbouw vakantiegeld, uitbetaald in mei;Veel ruimte voor eigen inbreng & initiatief;Veel verantwoordelijkheden met een grote impact op de groei van de organisatie;De mogelijkheid voor het inbrengen van jouw innovatieve ideeën;Voldoende ruimte voor (persoonlijke) groei;Verschillende trainingen en cursussen om jezelf te ontwikkelen;Betrokken en toegewijde collega’s door de hele organisatie;Een behulpzaam en gezellig team;Een mooi kantoor waar jij potentiële opdrachtgevers kan ontvangen;Korting op één van onze vier collectieve zorgverzekeraars;De kans om deel te nemen aan gezellige borrels, feestjes en ons jaarlijkse, sportieve EW Weekend (wanneer dit weer kan).SolliciterenIs je interesse gewekt? Solliciteer dan via onze website door jouw cv en motivatie sturen. Voor vragen over deze vacature kun je contact opnemen met Albert van Schooneveld, Key Account Directeur via 06-54226908 of [email protected]. Wil jij voortaan als eerste op de hoogte zijn van onze vacatures? Volg ons via www.twitter.com/EWvacatures en www.linkedin.com/company/ew-facility-services Wij hebben begrip voor acquisitie maar stellen dat voor deze functie niet op prijs.
Business Developer Leisure
EW Facility Services, Arnhem
Vorige Pagina Business Developer Leisure 32-40 uur Arnhem 2021-06-07 https://www.ew.nl/vacature/business-developer-leisure/ ArnhemSolliciteer nu! Jij bent op zoek naar die uitdagende baan waar jij jouw ervaring als salesprofessional in kan zetten. Jij behaalt targets en versnelt onze groei binnen het segment Leisure (theaters, bioscopen, musea, sportcentra, etc.) met o.a. consultative selling. Met jouw gedrevenheid, ambities en netwerk breng jij onze organisatie naar de volgende fase. Jij bent de Business Developer bij EW Facility Services!De functieJij realiseert als Business Developer de groeidoelstellingen van EW Facility Services. Jij maakt gebruik van jouw netwerk en zoekt altijd naar innovatieve manieren om te presteren en scoren. Jij identificeert kansen en weet de trends in de markt te benutten om jouw doelen te behalen. Doordat jij je verbonden voelt met de kernwaarden van EW Facility Services, draag jij deze met enthousiasme en kracht uit. Jij weet hiermee interessante opdrachtgevers voor je te winnen.Het creëren van de beste, passende oplossing voor prospects is voor jou vanzelfsprekend. Met enthousiasme begeleidt jij het commerciële proces van begin tot eind. Jij draagt als zelfstandige Business Developer veel verantwoordelijkheden. Samen met de rest van het commerciële team til jij EW Facility Services naar een hoger level. Daarnaast heb jij ook veel contact met de andere afdelingen binnen onze organisatie.De organisatieEW Facility Services is een succesvolle facilitair dienstverlener. Door een hoog kwaliteitsniveau, zichtbare schoonmaakdienstverlening, flexibele uitvoering en op maat gemaakte oplossingen verhogen wij de schoonmaakbeleving van de medewerkers, onze opdrachtgevers en hun gasten.In de afgelopen jaren hebben wij in de segmenten kantoren & vastgoed, zorg, onderwijs, leisure en travel naam gemaakt en onze omzet stevig uitgebreid. Wendbaarheid, betrouwbaarheid en Hospitality zit in ons DNA waardoor wij ons onderscheiden van andere aanbieders in de markt. Ons marktleiderschap in de hotelbranche staat garant voor innovatieve belevingsconcepten, Hospitality en wendbaarheid.Jouw profielJij bent als Business Developer het gezicht van EW Facility Services richting potentiële opdrachtgevers. Het is dan vanzelfsprekend dat jij je verbonden voelt met onze kernwaarden. Daarnaast:Beschik jij over hbo werk- en denkniveau;Heb jij succesvolle saleservaring in de zakelijke dienstverlening (ca. 8 jaar), bij voorkeur in het Segment Leisure;Bezit jij over een relevant netwerk met de juiste stakeholders om te benaderen waarmee je nieuwe opdrachtgevers realiseert;Haal jij energie uit het initiatief nemen en oplossingen creëren om te scoren;Heb jij affiniteit met Hospitality en draagt daardoor de Hospitality gedachte van EW Facility Services goed uit!Wij biedenEW Facility Services is een dynamische, groeiende organisatie. Jij hebt in jouw functie een belangrijke rol bij het uitbouwen van ons opdrachtgeversportfolio en het onderhouden van contacten met intermediairs. Jij krijgt als Business Developer bij EW Facility Services;Een zelfstandige, uitdagende en actieve baan;Vrijheid in het organiseren van je eigen werk;Een goed, onderhandelbaar salaris passend bij de functie en jouw werkervaring;Een bonusregeling op basis van financiële targets;Een fulltime dienstverband van 40 uur per week, 32 uur is bespreekbaar;Een contract van 12 maanden waarvan 1 maand proeftijd;Een laptop, Iphone en tablet/Ipad;Een leaseauto met de mogelijkheid tot privé gebruik;Jaarlijks 26 vakantiedagen met de mogelijkheid 5 dagen bij te kopen (o.b.v. een fulltime dienstverband);8% opbouw vakantiegeld, uitbetaald in mei;Veel ruimte voor eigen inbreng & initiatief;Veel verantwoordelijkheden met een grote impact op de groei van de organisatie;De mogelijkheid voor het inbrengen van jouw innovatieve ideeën;Voldoende ruimte voor (persoonlijke) groei;Verschillende trainingen en cursussen om jezelf te ontwikkelen;Betrokken en toegewijde collega’s door de hele organisatie;Een behulpzaam en gezellig team;Een mooi kantoor waar jij potentiële opdrachtgevers kan ontvangen;Korting op één van onze vier collectieve zorgverzekeraars;De kans om deel te nemen aan gezellige borrels, feestjes en ons jaarlijkse, sportieve EW Weekend (wanneer dit weer kan).SolliciterenIs je interesse gewekt? Solliciteer dan via onze website door jouw cv en motivatie sturen. Voor vragen over deze vacature kun je contact opnemen met Albert van Schooneveld, Key Account Directeur via 06-54226908 of [email protected]. Wil jij voortaan als eerste op de hoogte zijn van onze vacatures? Volg ons via www.twitter.com/EWvacatures en www.linkedin.com/company/ew-facility-servicesWij hebben begrip voor acquisitie maar stellen dat voor deze functie niet op prijs.
Activiteiten begeleider educatieve inzet
HKmobile, Ophemert, Gelderland
Activiteitenbegeleider die in opdracht van Sectorinstituut Transport&Logistiek met praktijk opstellingen naar VMBO scholen gaat. Dit is door heel Nederland. Je gaat samen met een collega naar een school, bouwt de praktijkopstelling op en ontvangt en begeleid de jongeren in groepjes. Er wordt gewerkt met blokuren, in principe maximaal 3 blokken per dag. 
CBS De Zaaier, Hedel, Gelderland
De Stichting Christelijk Onderwijs Bommelerwaardzoekt zo spoedig mogelijkeen directeur (wtf 0,6)uitbreiding met lesgevende taken mogelijk tot wtf 1voor basisschool De Zaaier te HedelDe SCOBis een jonge stichting waarin 6 scholen samenwerken;verzorgt onderwijs aan ca. 700 leerlingen en telt ruim 90 personeelsleden;baseert haar doel en grondslag op de Bijbel, het betrouwbare Woord van God en op de 3 Formulieren van Enigheid.De Zaaieris een gemoedelijke dorpsschool met ca. 95 leerlingen, verdeeld over 4 groepen;heeft een eigen voorschool waarbinnen kinderopvang voor peuters wordt verzorgd;heeft een eigen BSO;heeft een hecht team dat met inzet en enthousiasme werkt aan de ontwikkeling van de school;kent een grote groep van betrokken en actieve ouders.Wij bieden:een school waar alle voorwaarden zijn gecreëerd om de kwaliteit van het onderwijs te vergroten;een betrokken bestuur en concrete ondersteuning door eigen professionals;collegiale samenwerking met andere directeuren van de stichting.Wij zoeken:Een directeur (m/v) die:actief betrokken is bij de eigen kerkelijke gemeente en een positief-christelijke levenshouding heeft;zorgdraagt voor bijbelgetrouw onderwijs en de vastgestelde identiteit zichtbaar maakt in de praktijk;oog en hart heeft voor al onze leerlingen èn onze personeelsleden;bouwt aan een professionele cultuur die gericht is op ontwikkeling en groei;kan verbinden en transparant, duidelijk communiceert;daadkrachtig reageert op ontwikkelingen in de directe omgeving.Nadere informatie:Als je vooraf een kennismakingsbezoek aan de school wilt brengen, ben je van harte welkom. Op verzoek is een informatiepakket beschikbaar. De eerste gesprekken met de sollicitatiecommissie zijn gepland. Een assessment kan deel uitmaken van de procedure. Salariëring vindt plaats op basis van ervaring en opleiding, volgens de daarvoor geldende regels in de CAO-PO.Voor verdere gegevens kun je contact opnemen met:Dhr. G.T. (Gert) Tissink, directeur-bestuurder06 - 30475196Sollicitatiebrieven kunnen z.s.m. gericht worden aan het bestuur van de SCOB, t.a.v. dhr. G.T. Tissink, [email protected]
Pedagogisch Medewerker Buitenschoolse Opvang
Het klavertje, Arnhem, Gelderland
Wij zijn op zoek naar een enthousiaste en toegewijde Pedagogisch Medewerker voor onze Buitenschoolse Opvang (BSO). Als lid van ons team draag je bij aan een stimulerende en veilige omgeving voor kinderen buiten schooltijd. Hier zijn de vaardigheden die we zoeken:Pedagogische deskundigheid:Je hebt kennis van pedagogische principes en kunt deze toepassen om een positieve ontwikkelingsomgeving te creëren.Creativiteit:Het vermogen om creatieve en stimulerende activiteiten te bedenken die aansluiten bij de interesses en behoeften van kinderen.Communicatieve vaardigheden:Goede communicatie met zowel kinderen als ouders is cruciaal. Je bent in staat helder en respectvol te communiceren.Teamspeler:Werken in een teamomgeving en effectief samenwerken met collega's om een geïntegreerd en samenhangend programma te bieden.Veiligheid en gezondheid:Zorgdragen voor een veilige en gezonde omgeving, inclusief kennis van EHBO en bereidheid om in noodgevallen op te treden.Flexibiliteit:Bereidheid om flexibele werktijden aan te nemen die aansluiten bij de behoeften van de BSO en ouders.Passie voor buitenspelen:Een liefde voor buitenactiviteiten en het vermogen om kinderen te inspireren om de natuur te verkennen en te waarderen.Herken je jezelf in deze beschrijving en ben je enthousiast om bij te dragen aan de ontwikkeling van kinderen?Stuur dan je sollicitatie, inclusief cv, naar : [email protected]. We kijken uit naar je komst in ons team!
Functioneel Beheerder
Bart Vink& Partners, Ede
FunctieomschrijvingAls Functioneel beheerder in Ede heb je een dubbele taak. Enerzijds help je de gebruikersorganisatie verder met de mogelijkheden van onderwijs gerelateerde applicaties. En anderzijds alle technische en beheersmatige acties om te zorgen dat alles goed blijft functioneren en aangepast wordt aan nieuwe behoeften.Als Functioneel beheerder zie je kansen en reageer je op behoeften of vragen van de gebruikersorganisatie m.b.t. de processen en de informatievoorziening. Het gaat om de volgende activiteiten:Het beheer van Studenten Informatie Systeem Osiris;Analyse en advies m.b.t. wijzigingen;Optimaliseren en beheren Processen voor een bepaald deelgebied;Optimaliseren en beheren Informatievoorziening voor een bepaald deelgebied;Testen (Functionele Acceptatie Test (FAT) en Gebruikers Acceptatie Test (GAT));Voorbereiden en begeleiden implementatie van (complexe) wijzigingen;Gebruikersondersteuning.Functie-eisenAls Functioneel Beheerder in Ede bezit je over conceptueel vermogen. Hierdoor zie je relaties en verbanden goed. Je bent besluitvaardig en hebt ook een goede dosis overtuigingskracht in de keuzes die je gemaakt hebt. Daarbij vind je het leuk om met de mensen in de organisatie samen te werken en actief bij te dragen aan gemeenschappelijke doelen. Klantgerichtheid zit in je werkwijze en je bent op zoek naar de beste invulling van de wensen en behoeftes binnen de organisatie.Verder neem je het volgende mee:HBO werk- en denkniveau;Meerdere jaren relevante Functioneel beheer ervaring;Ervaring met Osiris is een pre;Ervaring met Office365, (Teams, SharePoint, Exchange, Office e.d.).BedrijfsomschrijvingAls Functioneel Beheerder te Ede werk je bij een overkoepelende organisatie voor meerdere MBO-gerelateerde instellingen op de afdeling bedrijfsvoering. De IT verzorgt de informatievoorziening van zowel de bedrijfsvoering als de instellingen en de afdeling bestaat uit 27fte.IntroductieAls Functioneel Beheerder te Ede werk je bij een overkoepelende onderwijsorganisatie op de afdeling bedrijfsvoering. Meer weten? Lees dan verder!ArbeidsvoorwaardenAls Functioneel Beheerder in Ede bieden we je op de eerste plaats een baan met ruimte, fijne collega's, een gezellig kantoor en een informele cultuur waar de lijnen kort zijn en je veel vrijheid en verantwoordelijkheid krijgt. Openheid en collegialiteit zijn het uitgangspunt. In de functie bieden we jou:Salaris tussen de €3700,- en €4300,- bruto o.b.v. 36-uur;Continu ontwikkelen, zowel persoonlijk als binnen je vakgebied.Een 13e maand;Ruime vakantieregeling: 30 dagen o.b.v. een werkweek van 36u;Vakantiegeld en pensioensregeling;Doorgroeimogelijkheden binnen de organisatie;Bijdrage op je ziektekostenverzekering;Goede werk-privé balans;Een fietsplan;Flexibele werktijd indeling.Een gezonde werk-privé balans vinden wij belangrijk. Werken in een professionele en informele omgeving betekent ook dat je in overleg met je collega’s zelf je werktijden bepaalt.Copyright: Bart Vink & PartnersSollicitatieprocedureContactgegevensBedrijfsnaam: Bart Vink & PartnersContactpersoon: Meta PuntmanAdres: Atoomweg 63Postcode/plaats: 3542 AA UtrechtTelefoon: 06-14834048Email: [email protected]
(Senior) Zweminstructeur
Optisport Barneveld, Barneveld, Gelderland
 De baanAls (Senior) Zweminstructeur geef je naast zwemlessen ook op een enthousiaste wijze les aan verschillende doelgroepen en heb je coördinerende taken. Als jij ervoor zorgt dat we op alle tijden dat het bad open is zwemlesgroepen hebben, kan je altijd je passie als zweminstructeur uitoefenen en elk uur zwemles geven. Maar om af te wisselen houd je ook toezicht tijdens recreatieve uren en zorg je ervoor dat de perrons schoon zijn. Ons aanbodBruto maandloon tussen de € 2.180,57 en € 2.877,16 o.b.v. 38 uur p.w. (o.b.v. cao zwembaden met pensioen en aanvullende regelingen);Vakantiedagen en vakantiegeld;Reiskostenvergoeding;Je hebt TOFfe collega’s die niets liever doen dan samenwerken, in oplossingen denken en vooral veel fun willen hebben;Je kunt jezelf ontwikkelen binnen en buiten je vakgebied via de Optisport Academy. Denk hierbij o.a. aan zwemopleidingen, diverse kwartaal- en gastgerichtheidstrainingen;Je krijgt niet alleen korting op zwemmen en schaatsen bij Optisport, maar ook op reizen, mode, elektronica en meer;Je brengt onze bezoekers in beweging en levert daardoor een waardevolle bijdrage aan hun vitaliteit;Je kunt, als je wilt, werken op meerdere Optisport locaties in diverse functies.Wat we van jou verwachtenJe bent in het bezit (of bereid tot het halen) van diploma lesgever Zwem ABC of soortgelijk;Je praat makkelijk met kinderen en ouders;Binnen 6 weken na de start van je dienstverband beschik je over een verklaring omtrent gedrag (VOG) die voldoet aan de eisen van Optisport.Onze werkwaardenTOF staat voor Team, Omdenken en Fun en zijn de werkwaarden van Optisport. Jouw houding, gedrag en communicatie hebben invloed op de beleving van de klant en samenwerking met collega’s. We willen op een TOFFE manier omgaan met onze gasten én collega’s!Direct solliciterenEnthousiast over deze vacature? Solliciteer dan via de ‘direct solliciteren’ button. Heb je nog vragen over de functie, neem dan contact met ons [email protected] naar aanleiding van deze vacature wordt niet op prijs gesteld.
Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (Tenure Track)
Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), Wageningen
Are you a seasoned professional in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering, with a passion for education and innovation? Do you aspire to apply your expertise in a role that not only shapes the future of technological innovation but also molds the next generation of tech leaders? The Information Technology (INF) group offers an exceptional opportunity for you to make a significant impact in both the academic and technological realms. In this tenure track position, you will be exploring the dynamic and evolving interplay between AI and SE, imparting this knowledge to students eager to enter these fields. Your deep understanding of AI will enable you to teach the principles of intelligent algorithm design, machine learning, and data analysis. Concurrently, your background in SE will allow you to guide students in integrating these AI concepts into solid, efficient, and scalable software systems. In a challenging career trajectory, you are responsible for: conducting high-quality scientific research and publishing in reputed scientific journals;acquiring, coordinating and implementing innovative (inter)national research projects in one or more of the above areas;collaborating with colleagues and supervising PhD students, MSc and BSc theses;developing and teaching courses;contributing to the further development of the INF group.Training and coaching are provided to accomplish all these tasks. Tenure Track is a career path for scientists who pursue to excel in education and research. We seek to attract scientific talent and to stimulate and support their development. You will work here Renowned as a leading institution in the fields of food, agriculture, and environmental sciences, Wageningen University prides itself on its commitment to excellence. Wageningen University is an internationally leading institution in the area of life sciences and is part of the 4TU federation, a collaboration of four universities of technology in The Netherlands. Our Information Technology (INF) group is at the forefront of research in smart systems development and system-of-systems engineering, primarily within the life sciences sector. Our recent focus has been on artificial intelligence, data science, software engineering, and socio-technical systems engineering, leading to significant growth and the establishment of a robust research agenda.Requirements: You are an ambitious and enthusiastic teacher devoted to excellence in education in Information Technology. Further, you have: a PhD degree in artificial intelligence, software engineering, computer science or a related area;a solid background and experience in the field of artificial intelligence;demonstrated research and teaching experience;good didactic qualities and enthusiasm for teaching and working with students;affinity with current AI opportunities and issues in society and industry;affinity with teaching computer programming, information systems coursesexperience and interest in working in interdisciplinary teams;excellent communication skills and team spirit;hold the Dutch University Teaching Qualification (UTQ; in Dutch “BKO”) or complete it within three years after starting the position. For more information, visit our Teaching and Learning centre page.fluency in English language, a minimum of CEFR C2 level; For more information about this proficiency level, please visit our special language page.Salary Benefits: Wageningen University & Research offers excellent terms of employment. A few highlights from our Collective Labour Agreement include: sabbatical leave, study leave, and partially paid parental leave;working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;the option to accrue additional compensation / holiday hours by working more, up to 40 hours per week;there is a strong focus on vitality and you can make use of the sports facilities available on campus for a small fee;a fixed December bonus of 8.3%;excellent pension scheme.In addition to these first-rate employee benefits, you will be offered a fixed-term, 7 year contract which, upon positive evaluation based on criteria elaborated in the University's Tenure Track policy, can lead to a permanent employment contract as professor. Depending on your experience, we offer a competitive gross salary of between € 4.332 and € 5.929 for a full-time working week of 38 hours in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) (scale 11). Wageningen University & Research encourages internal advancement opportunities and mobility with an internal recruitment policy. There are plenty of options for personal initiative in a learning environment, and we provide excellent training opportunities. We are offering a unique position in an international environment with a pleasant and open working atmosphere. You are going to work at the greenest and most innovative campus in Holland, and at a university that has been chosen as the “Best University” in the Netherlands for the 19th consecutive time. Coming from abroad Wageningen University & Research is the university and research centre for life sciences. The themes we deal with are relevant to everyone around the world and Wageningen, therefore, has a large international community and a lot to offer to international employees. Our team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family. Feeling welcome also has everything to do with being well informed. Wageningen University & Research's International Community page contains practical information about what we can do to support international employees and students coming to Wageningen. Furthermore, we can assist you with any additional advice and information about for example helping your partner to find a job, housing, or schooling. Finally, certain categories of international staff may be eligible for a tax exemption on a part of their salary during the first five years in the NetherlandsWork Hours: 38 hours per weekAddress: Droevendaalsesteeg
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Academic Staff Member - Host-Microbe Interactions
Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), Wageningen
Are you an enthusiastic scientist who wants to lead their own research? Are you interested in understanding host interactions with the microbiome, or specific microbial species including pathogens? Could your research lead to advances that directly benefit animals or humans? Are you ready for a career in Academia and to be part of our Tenure Track programme? Then we may be looking for you!The Host-Microbe Interactomics Chair Group at Wageningen University, The Netherlands is seeking a highly motivated Academic Staff Member with a track record of high-quality research in areas connecting to the main themes of the HMI group who will also contribute to effective and engaging education. This position is part of Wageningen University's commitment to the “Sector Plan for Biology” which aims to further develop the knowledge and educational capacity for this discipline in The Netherlands. Depending on your starting level, you will be appointed as staff scientist or assistant professor, with, pending a one-year evaluation period, opportunities to enter tenure track. You will enter a career trajectory called Tenure Track, a career path for scientists who pursue to excel in education and research. We seek to attract scientific talent and to stimulate and support their development. Your research interests connect with our research lines on the molecular mechanisms of diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria to the interactions between the microbiome and specific symbionts, commensals, or pathobionts and their human or animal hosts. The group combines expertise in various animal models, including the zebra-fish, and maintains state-of-the art expertise in molecular cell biology, including organoid models and stem cell technologies, immunology, as well as molecular microbiology and functional (meta)genomics.Requirements: The ideal candidate has: a PhD degree in Life Sciences with special interest in host-microbe interactions;experience as an independent researcher;contributed to proposals for research funding;participated in a Bachelor or Master course in English;delivered high quality research or translational research;disseminated your research outcomes and publish in reputable journals;carried out administrative duties related to education and departmental requirements;engaged in communication activities about your research;fluency in English. In our international working environment good command of English is a prerequisite, candidates should preferentially have a C1 language level. Sometimes it is necessary to submit an internationally recognised Certificate of Proficiency in the English Language. More information can be found here. We encourage female candidates to apply for this position and contribute their unique perspectives to our dynamic team. In case of equal suitability, female candidates will be preferred as part of our commitment to fostering gender diversity and balance in our workplace.Salary Benefits: Wageningen University & Research offers excellent terms of employment. A few highlights from our Collective Labour Agreement include: sabbatical leave, study leave, and partially paid parental leave;working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;the option to accrue additional compensation / holiday hours by working more, up to 40 hours per week;there is a strong focus on vitality and you can make use of the sports facilities available on campus for a small fee;a fixed December bonus of 8.3%;excellent pension scheme.In addition to these first-rate employee benefits, you will be offered a fixed-term, 7 year contract which, upon positive evaluation based on criteria elaborated in the University's Tenure Track policy, can lead to a permanent employment contract as professor. Depending on your experience, we offer a competitive gross salary of between € 5247,- and € 6737,- for a full-time working week of 38 hours in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) (scale 12). Wageningen University & Research encourages internal advancement opportunities and mobility with an internal recruitment policy. There are plenty of options for personal initiative in a learning environment, and we provide excellent training opportunities. We are offering a unique position in an international environment with a pleasant and open working atmosphere. You are going to work at the greenest and most innovative campus in Holland, and at a university that has been chosen as the “Best University” in the Netherlands for the 19th consecutive time. Coming from abroad Wageningen University & Research is the university and research centre for life sciences. The themes we deal with are relevant to everyone around the world and Wageningen, therefore, has a large international community and a lot to offer to international employees. Our team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family. Feeling welcome also has everything to do with being well informed. Wageningen University & Research's International Community page contains practical information about what we can do to support international employees and students coming to Wageningen. Furthermore, we can assist you with any additional advice and information about helping your partner to find a job, housing, schooling.Work Hours: 38 hours per weekAddress: Droevendaalsesteeg
Full Professor of the History of Art of the Early Modern and/or Modern Era
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen
Are you an innovative and experienced scholar in Early Modern and Modern Era Art History? And do you aspire to lead a diverse group of dedicated scholars, shape art history, and thrive in a vibrant academic community? Join us as a full professor at Radboud University! The History of Art section at Radboud University is looking for a Full Professor of the History of Art of the Early Modern and/or Modern Era (0.8-1.0 FTE), preferably of the Low Countries (present-day Netherlands and Belgium/Flanders). The position builds on the section’s existing strengths, which include the visual arts of the European Middle Ages and Renaissance, Asian architecture, and global modern and contemporary art. You are an art historian with wide scholarly interests who links historical research to contemporary issues and practices, such as cultural heritage. Our section is especially interested in scholars able to study works of art and architecture both in their historical context and in light of scientific approaches and present-day societal issues, such as transnational, transhistorical and postcolonial perspectives, and debates surrounding inclusivity and climate change. As a Professor of the History of Art and Architecture at Radboud University, you will build on your robust and innovative research agenda, track record of outstanding scholarly publications, and other academic achievements on an international level. You will develop cross-disciplinary collaborations through innovative teaching and research, mentoring, and forge links with students and faculty across the university and beyond. You will contribute to the development of courses on all levels, teach both introductory and specialised courses, and take part in study trips, which are integral to the curriculum. You will also participate in teaching in Faculty-wide minor programs, such as Cultural Heritage and the Public, or European Culture and National Identities. You will take on a leading role in your field of expertise and present a strong vision of its future development. You will play a dynamic and proactive role in the Radboud Institute for Culture and History (RICH), one of the research institutes of the Faculty of Arts, contributing to its mission and research programme by participating in and further stimulating its research activities, publishing in high-impact journals and other research outlets, recruiting and supervising PhD candidates, mentoring junior faculty members, and applying for grants. The professorship is part of the Department of History, Art History and Classics, one of the three departments comprising the Faculty of Arts. You will represent the Art History section within the university and beyond, serve as its head in a rotating fashion with one other full professor, and work in close connection with its staff members and with the Department as a whole. You will be expected to serve as a standard bearer for student recruitment, and take on a crucial role in the promotion and visibility of early modern and modern art history, both nationally and internationally.Requirements: You should hold a PhD in Art History and specialise in the visual arts (painting, sculpture, architecture, the graphic arts, applied arts, photography) of the Early Modern and/or Modern Era (ca. 1600-2000), preferably of the Low Countries.Your research incorporates new methodologies. You have a track record of international publications that demonstrate these interests.You occupy a leading position in your field of expertise and have a global network of contacts in the academic and museum worlds.You are committed to collaboration and forging connections between various sections and departments within the university, and between various art historical fields and institutes nationally and internationally.You have been a recipient of important research grants and have clear plans for applying for grants in the near future.You have wide-ranging art historical interests, allowing participation in a variety of courses.You are an inspiring lecturer with a strong teaching philosophy and experience in curriculum development at the undergraduate and graduate levels.You have a university teaching qualification or an equivalent qualification, or are prepared to obtain such a qualification within two years.(*)You are well familiar with the Dutch university system. An excellent command of the Dutch language is a plus, the willingness to master it in the short term is a must.You have ample experience in managing, mentoring and facilitating academic staff. You are motivated to take on larger leadership roles in administration and management in accordance with the applicable rules and customs.(*) We will provide the necessary infrastructure and resources for this.Salary Benefits: We will give you a temporary employment contract of one year with the prospect of an indefinite contract.Your salary within salary scale H2 depends on your previous education and number of years of (relevant) work experience. The amounts in the scale are based on a 38-hour working week.You will receive an 8% holiday allowance and an 8,3% end-of-year bonus.You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Support Service. The Dual Career Programme assists your partner via support, tools, and resources to improve their chances of independently finding employment in the Netherlands. Our Family Support Service helps you and your partner feel welcome and at home by providing customised assistance in navigating local facilities, schools, and amenities. Also take a look at our support for international staff page to discover all our services for international employees.You will receive extra days off. With full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the statutory 20.Work and science require good employment practices. This is reflected in Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself, for example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports subscription. And of course, we offer a good pension plan. You are given plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.Work Hours: 30.4 - 38 hours per weekAddress: Houtlaan 4
Assistant Professor in vegetation-environment interactions (Tenure Track)
Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), Wageningen
Are you an enthusiastic researcher studying vegetation ecology from an ecosystem perspective? Are you interested in joining a diverse and multi-disciplinary research team studying plant ecology and nature conservation? If so, we encourage you to apply for this Assistant Professor position. The Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group at Wageningen University is looking for an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track). In this role, you will be responsible for developing, conducting and overseeing research on the forces driving plant communities or populations, from an ecosystem perspective. This can, depending on your interests and expertise, encompass topics such as interactions between plants and the soil (either abiotic or biotic soil components), interactions between vegetation and climate, or the restoration of diverse plant communities. We are particularly interested in a scientist with expertise in temperate, boreal and/or polar ecosystems. In this position, you will be expected to publish your research findings in respected international academic journals, as well as reach out to relevant stakeholders. We would particularly welcome someone with strong quantitative skills such as meta-analysis, analysis of large-scale spatiotemporal data, or genetic techniques, along with a proven ability to connect ecological research to various domains within the environmental sciences. Research activities may include fieldwork, greenhouse experiments, laboratory work (including molecular studies), modeling, or a combination of these, but scientists from various backgrounds of expertise are welcome to apply. You will be encouraged to secure funding from a mix of government, EU, and private sources. You will also contribute to education, by supervising thesis and internship students and by teaching courses at the BSc and/or MSc level. Your duties and responsibilities include: conduct high-quality research related to vegetation ecology;secure funding from a mix of government, EU, and private sources;supervise PhD, MSc and BSc thesis students and internship students;teach courses at the BSc/MSc level.You will work here The research is embedded within the chair Plant Ecology & Nature Conservation , which is led by Prof. David Kleijn. Tenure Track is a career path for scientists who pursue to excel in education and research. We seek to attract scientific talent and to stimulate and support their development.Requirements: You have :good research qualities, as shown by publications in international peer- reviewed journals;experience in (or at least a strong motivation for) grant acquisition;experience in supervising BSc and/or MSc students;a commitment to striving for high-quality education;collaborative spirit of a team player, and are committed to an inclusive, international working environment;a good command of spoken and written English;knowledge of Dutch vegetation, which will be considered advantageous.You also possess:a PhD degree in plant ecology, nature conservation, or a related field, with expertise in vegetation ecology;relevant and well-evaluated teaching experience.Salary Benefits: Wageningen University & Research offers excellent terms of employment. A few highlights from our Collective Labour Agreement include: sabbatical leave, study leave, and partially paid parental leave;working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;the option to accrue additional compensation / holiday hours by working more, up to 40 hours per week;there is a strong focus on vitality and you can make use of the sports facilities available on campus for a small fee;a fixed December bonus of 8.3%;excellent pension scheme.In addition to these first-rate employee benefits, you will be offered a fixed-term, 7 year contract which, upon positive evaluation based on criteria elaborated in the University's Tenure Track policy, can lead to a permanent employment contract as professor. Depending on your experience, we offer a competitive gross salary of between € 4.332 and €5.929 for a full-time working week of 38 hours in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) (scale 11). Wageningen University & Research encourages internal advancement opportunities and mobility with an internal recruitment policy. There are plenty of options for personal initiative in a learning environment, and we provide excellent training opportunities. We are offering a unique position in an international environment with a pleasant and open working atmosphere. You are going to work at the greenest and most innovative campus in Holland, and at a university that has been chosen as the “Best University” in the Netherlands for the 19th consecutive time. Coming from abroad Wageningen University & Research is the university and research centre for life sciences. The themes we deal with are relevant to everyone around the world and Wageningen, therefore, has a large international community and a lot to offer to international employees. Our team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family. Feeling welcome also has everything to do with being well informed. Wageningen University & Research's International Community page contains practical information about what we can do to support international employees and students coming to Wageningen. Furthermore, we can assist you with any additional advice and information about for example helping your partner to find a job, housing, or schooling. Finally, certain categories of international staff may be eligible for a tax exemption on a part of their salary during the first five years in the Netherlands.Work Hours: 38 hours per weekAddress: Droevendaalsesteeg
Assistant Professor of Digital Security
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen
Do you have a passion for shaping the minds of future cybersecurity experts? And are you ready to delve into cutting-edge research in network security, systems security, and AI privacy? Then apply for the position of Assistant Professor of Digital Security! As an Assistant Professor of Digital Security, you will perform research in one of the following topics: network security, systems security and security/privacy of artificial intelligence. You will also be responsible for the development and coordination of security courses at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. There is a good balance between teaching, research and administration, giving you the time to write research proposals and further develop your research lines and career. We have in total 2 positions available.Requirements: Your expertise should be in synergy with the current expertise of the Digital Security group and be supported by publications at high-profile journals, invitations to speak at scientific conferences, and research grants.You have good teaching skills and ample teaching experience, a clear vision on teaching, and you are willing to teach a broad variety of courses in the Bachelor’s phase, as well as courses related to your research expertise in the Master’s degree programmes in Cyber Security and Cyber Security and AI.You are a team player who is eager to collaborate with other scientists and build bridges between different research areas in and outside DiS and Radboud University, within and outside academia, both nationally and internationally.You have good communication skills.You are interested, and preferably have experience, in security research for industry and real-world applications.You have the ability to successfully apply for external funding.Note that excellence in one area may compensate for possible deficiencies in others. Moreover, the position on offer provides room for you to further develop yourself in any of the areas mentioned above.Salary Benefits: You will be appointed for an initial period of 18 months. At the end of this period, we evaluate your performance. After a positive evaluation, your employment contract will be changed to indefinite.Your salary within salary scale 11 or 12 depends on your previous education and number of years of (relevant) work experience. The amounts in the scale are based on a 38-hour working week.You will receive an 8% holiday allowance and an 8,3% end-of-year bonus.You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Support Service. The Dual Career Programme assists your partner via support, tools, and resources to improve their chances of independently finding employment in the Netherlands. Our Family Support Service helps you and your partner feel welcome and at home by providing customised assistance in navigating local facilities, schools, and amenities. Also take a look at our support for international staff page to discover all our services for international employees.You will receive extra days off. With full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the statutory 20.The performance criteria and duration of the career track will be tailored to your background and track record.Work and science require good employment practices. This is reflected in Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself, for example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports subscription. And of course, we offer a good pension plan. You are given plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.Address: Houtlaan 4
Assistant Professor in Strategic Marketing in Food and Agribusiness
Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), Wageningen
Do you want to develop and share your knowledge of strategic marketing with the next generation of marketing professionals working on a sustainable future for food and agribusiness? Are you eager to contribute to multi(inter) disciplinary education, research, and collaboration, promoting an inclusive and sustainable environment within and outside the academic community? If yes, then we have the perfect opportunity for you!The Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group (MCB) of Wageningen University is looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious Assistant Professor within the Academic Career Framework to fulfil a pivotal position. The position involves research on sustainable marketing in food and agribusiness and education, including courses and bachelor- and master-thesis supervision, among others within the Sustainable Business and Innovation master program. As an assistant professor, you will make the first steps in developing a research vision within the domain described above. You are devoted to, and have the relevant background needed, to conduct research on and educate students in strategic marketing management, with an explicit interest in sustainability, food and agribusiness. You are a team player contributing to the acquisition of externally funded projects and the supervision of PhD students. The focus of our teaching is to train students to develop and execute theory-driven research projects addressing real-life problems related to sustainable marketing. The successful applicant will make an essential contribution to this focus and will attain the Dutch university teaching qualification (BKO). We expect applicants to be eager to significantly contribute to the scientific and societal mission of our group in both teaching and research. This includes educating students in advanced marketing theories, in applying and publishing on marketing theories in solving societal problems, and in acquiring research projects (including theory application and data collection) related to sustainable/agribusiness strategic marketing. Your responsibilities The Marketing and Consumer Behaviour group of Wageningen University is unique in certain respects, and we expect our candidates to fit this profile as well. More specifically, just like our current team, you: are multidisciplinary-focused: we support the assumption that multi (inter) disciplinary research and teaching is necessary to address the current and future societal problems;foster collaboration: We foster a culture of education, research and collaboration with stakeholders, encouraging our faculty and students to engage in cutting-edge collaborative projects;have a sustainability focus: Our university is dedicated to sustainability and environmental stewardship;have an agribusiness focus: we are dedicated to maintaining the agricultural focus of our research;focus on professional development: We are committed to the professional growth of our employees. We provide ample opportunities for professional development, including workshops, seminars, conferences, and mentorship programs. We also support employees in pursuing further education and acquiring new skills;are open-minded and embrace diversity: We strongly value diversity and promote an inclusive environment where individuals from all backgrounds and perspectives are valued.Requirements: The ideal candidate is expected to have the following qualities: an excellent knowledge of various marketing theories and marketing research methods;a PhD degree (or planned defense date) in (strategic) marketing;experience with publishing in top-scientific journals (as evidenced by a publication record);experience with and/or a strong interest in student-focused teaching;strong affinity with societally relevant science on topics such as sustainability, health, and circularity;Strong affinity with food and/or agribusiness;within the previously described domain, ability to develop a focused research vision aligned with your unique expertise;willing and able to acquire externally funded research projects (initially as part of a team effort, later also independently);willing and able to supervise PhD students, and willing to build your own team (over time);excellent English language proficiency (a minimum of CEFR C2 level). For more information about this proficiency level, please visit our special language page;knowledge of Dutch language will be highly valued.Salary Benefits: Depending on the qualification, interests, and ambition of the candidate, we offer you a position as an assistant professor within the new Academic Career Framework (the Wageningen University Recognition and Reward system). The position is a 0.8 FTE position (but can be adjusted to a 1.0 FTE position depending on the candidate). In addition, Wageningen University & Research offers excellent terms of employment. Our Collective Labour Agreement includes, but is not limited to, the following: partially paid parental leave;working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;the option to accrue additional compensation / holiday hours by working more;a strong focus on vitality, and you can make use of the sports facilities available on campus for a small fee;a fixed December bonus of 8.3%;excellent pension scheme. In addition to the first-rate employee benefits, you will of course receive a good salary. Depending on your experience, we offer a competitive gross salary of between €5.247 and €6.737 for a full-time working week of 38 hours, in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU) (scale 12). Initially, we offer you a two-year (0.8 fte) contract, which will then be extended to an open-ended contract if there is mutual enthusiasm. Of course, we would be happy to discuss this with you if you have any questions. Wageningen University & Research encourages internal advancement opportunities and mobility with an internal recruitment policy. There are plenty of options for personal initiative in a learning environment, and we provide excellent training opportunities. We are offering a unique position in an international environment with a pleasant and open working atmosphere. You are going to work at the greenest and most innovative campus in Holland, and at a university that has been chosen as the “Best University” in the Netherlands for the 19th consecutive time. Coming from abroad Wageningen University & Research is the university and research centre for life sciences. The themes we deal with are relevant to everyone around the world and Wageningen, therefore, has a large international community and a lot to offer to international employees. Our team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family. Feeling welcome also has everything to do with being well informed. Wageningen University & Research's International Community page contains practical information about what we can do to support international employees and students coming to Wageningen. Furthermore, we can assist you with any additional advice and information about for example helping your partner to find a job, housing, or schooling. Finally, certain categories of international staff may be eligible for a tax exemption on a part of their salary during the first five years in the Netherlands.Work Hours: 38 hours per weekAddress: Droevendaalsesteeg
Full Professor and Chair of the Soil Geography and Landscape group
Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), Wageningen
The Soil Geography and Landscape chair group of Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has an outstanding reputation in scientific research and education in the area of soil geography, landscape and earth surface dynamics. A vacancy has become available for a full professor and chair of the Soil Geography and Landscape (SGL) chair group. The mission of the SGL group is to improve and share understanding of patterns and dynamics of soils, landscapes and earth surface dynamics and their drivers, like climate change and human-landscape interactions. The group uses integrative approaches that combine biophysical and anthropogenic elements to gain insight in past, present and future system dynamics. Through this, the SGL group aims to support system-based solutions in land management and spatial planning, sustainable management of soils, landscapes and ecosystems (e.g. sandy, riverine, deltaic and urban), and protection of cultural and geoheritage. Together with fellow staff members, you will be responsible for the academic and operational management, including finances and HR, of this chair group. In collaboration, you will define the research strategy, and lead the team of academic and support staff in an inclusive and motivating way. You will use your scientific expertise and network to support academic development, to increase the visibility of the group’s research and its societal impact, (co)create new research directions, and develop externally funded research programs. You will also contribute to education and innovations in BSc, MSc and PhD courses, with the objective of upholding and strengthening the excellent reputation and position of WUR in higher education. Fieldwork in education is a core component of the teaching philosophy of the SGL group and highly valued by its students.Requirements: You are an experienced leader with the ability to unite the group across the SGL themes and guide its future development. You stimulate the creativity, ambition and cohesion of the group;you have a PhD degree and an internationally proven scientific track record in soil geography and landscape dynamics, or a related field;you have excellent didactic qualities, and experience with inspiring and supervising BSc, MSc and PhD students with diverse backgrounds; you value education and research equally;you have a strong track record in securing funding and competitive grants;you have an inspiring vision on strengthening the role and position of the group, and the group’s research and education within the themes of WUR and the graduate schools.Salary Benefits: You will be working for an inspiring international organisation actively engaged in a large number of interdisciplinary projects all over the world. The scientific quality of Wageningen University & Research is affirmed by the prominent position we occupy in international rankings and citation indices. We offer you a position as Full Professor and chair of the Soil Geography and Landscape group. Besides a competitive salary (maximum gross salary for starting chair holders is € 9,680 per month), we offer a number of additional benefits, such as an end-of-year extra month’s salary, a holiday allowance and a pension plan with the Dutch pension fund for government and education. International candidates moving to the Netherlands may benefit from a special tax relief, by which a part of their salary is exempt from tax for several years. Working hours can be discussed to optimize the work-life balance (32-38 hours per week). Coming from abroad We are a globally leading university in the life sciences. The themes we deal with are relevant to everyone around the world. Wageningen University, therefore, has a large international community and a lot to offer to international employees. The university’s highly qualified team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family. A specialised staffing agency will help your partner to find a job. Furthermore, we can assist you in finding schools for your children and assist you with finding housing in the region or elsewhere in the Netherlands.Work Hours: 38 hours per weekAddress: Droevendaalsesteeg
Projectcoördinator Small Projects
FYGI BV, Apeldoorn
FunctieomschrijvingAls Small Projects Coördinator - Parts bij Honeywell zorg je ervoor dat de vragen vanuit de klant en het team ter plaatse worden verwerkt in offertes en coördineer je na opdracht de uitvoering van het project. In deze functie werk je deels vanuit ons kantoor ik Apeldoorn en deels vanuit huis. Relaties waar je dagelijks mee in contact staat zijn organisaties als ziekenhuizen, universiteiten, pharma en industriële bedrijven. Je krijgt een baan met veel vrijheid, leuke collega’s en een uitstekend salaris.Heb je minder ervaring? Ook dan ben je van harte welkom!                                                                    In de rol van Small Project Coördinator - Parts ben je het aanspreekpunt voor onze klanten als het gaat om het uitbrengen van offertes en daar houdt het niet op. Zodra de klant akkoord is zet jij alles in gang zodat de klant de apparatuur of losse componenten in gebruik kan stellen. Kort gezegd ga je het volgende doen:Je maakt de calculatie en bijhorende offerte voor losse leveringen van hardware en software en dient deze in bij de klantJe overlegt met toeleveranciers voor het verkrijgen van informatie en offertesJe neemt de hardware en/of software in bestelling en je coördineert de levering met de opdrachtgeverJe draagt zorgt ervoor dat administratieve afwikkeling wat inhoudt dat je de facturen laat versturen door de betreffende afdelingJe denkt mee in hoe zaken zo optimaal als mogelijk kunnen worden ingericht.Bij aanvang ga jij je bezighouden met de losse levering van hardware en/of software. In de toekomst kunnen jouw werkzaamheden worden uitgebreid. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het uitvoeren van kleine projecten waarin je een coördinerende rol aanneemt richting de onderaannemers en de engineers.Functie-eisenAls Small Projects Coördinator - Parts bij Honeywell zet jij je samen met je collega’s in om de veiligheid van onze klanten te waarborgen. Om jouw werk goed uit te kunnen voeren breng je het volgende met je mee:Je hebt minimaal mbo-werk- en denkniveau.  Bij voorkeur in de richting elektrotechniek, mechatronica, beveiligingstechniek, installatietechniek, werktuigbouwkunde, IT of vergelijkbaarJe hebt bij voorkeur ervaring als projectcoördinator, werkvoorbereider of als commercieel mederwerker binnendienst Je hebt bij voorkeur kennis van gebouw automatiseringssystemen, servers en netwerktechnologieJe bent communicatief vaardig, analytisch, oplossings- en klantgerichtJe bent organisatorisch sterk, leergierig en je weet onder tijdsdruk de juiste prioriteiten te stellen.Ben je al werkzaam in dit vakgebied en in het bezit van de nodige diploma’s? Dan ben je snel up-and-running. Heb je nog niet de juiste ervaring? Ook dan ben je meer dan welkom. Honeywell leidt je graag op. ArbeidsvoorwaardenAls Small Projects Coördinator - Parts geen dag hetzelfde. Daarnaast kun je rekenen op:Een uitstekend salarisDirect een vast contract bij HoneywellEen hechte club waar deels vanuit huis gewerkt mag worden 40 vrije dagen (27 vakantie- en 13 ADV dagen), collectiviteitskortingen, fietsplan, onkostenvergoeding en goede pensioenvoorzieningen (CAO Metalektro) Een laptop en telefoon (ook voor privégebruik)UIteraard staat jou ontwikkeling bij ons centraal om die reden beiden we volop ontwikkelings- en doorgroeimogelijkheden.SollicitatieprocedureContactgegevensBedrijfsnaam: FYGIContactpersoon: Xenia HoekstraAdres: Pelenerf 12Postcode/plaats: 3861 PR NijkerkTelefoon: 0622666001Email: [email protected]
Full Professor and Chair of Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles
Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), Wageningen
Wageningen University is recruiting an inspiring professor and chair holder to lead the Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles Group. The Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles Group focuses on the design and evaluation of theory-based interventions to foster healthy lifestyles and in particular food consumption. The Group aims to understand the drivers of healthy consumption and lifestyles among individuals and groups, and how smartly designed intervention strategies (also including policy interventions) can enable desired behavioural change. There is a focus on food consumption in everyday behaviour of the general population. The Chair Group has strong expertise in theories of behavioural change in its application towards health and healthy behaviour of diverse target groups in the Netherlands and Europe. The Group takes on a social-ecological perspective towards fostering public health, with due attention to individuals, the social groups in which they operate and the environmental factors that may facilitate or hinder behavioural change. Intervention design and evaluation addresses social, psychological and technological mechanisms in everyday food consumption behaviours in different contexts (including care and workplace). The Group works in close collaboration with other chair groups at WUR such as the Health and Society Group and the Division of Human Nutrition and Health, as well as with stakeholders within the public health domain. The new chair holder will foster a vibrant academic climate, provide a supportive working environment for academics and early career scholars, and help maintain the Group’s good track record in publications, acquisitions, education, and societal impact. The chair holder will enable the Group’s research ambitions by further strengthening its position in national and international networks, strategically develop collaboration within and outside Wageningen University & Research and strengthening and aligning the established research lines as well as pursuing novel ideas. Strategically and organizationally, with the Chair of the adjacent Health and Society Group, the new chairholder will drive the establishment of a “Health Centre” to integrate and synergize the health-related research within the Department of Social Sciences and WUR. The Chair Group teaches a range of bachelor and master courses and supervises students of 3 interdisciplinary BSc and 5 MSc programmes of Wageningen University. The successful applicant will play an active role in strengthening the Group’s education programme and contribute to novel educational strategies at Wageningen University. Take a look at the Group’s website to learn more about our ground-breaking research projects, education and outreach activities.Requirements: As a successful candidate, you: Have a strong background in intervention research to facilitate healthy lifestyles and notably food consumption practices; with a PhD degree in a relevant field of social sciences;Are a renowned scholar with profound knowledge of socio-ecological and behavioural change theories to encourage healthy behaviour of the general population and its diverse groups (e.g., inhabitants of municipalities, students, ethnic minority and disadvantaged groups, older individuals);Have a track record of scientific publications of recognized international quality that show your interest and experience in inter- and transdisciplinary research;Are an inspiring teacher and supervisor for students and young scholars of diverse backgrounds, with proven ability to develop courses at Bachelor, Master, and PhD level, and a vision on and capacity to innovate teaching methods;Have an inspiring vision for future research and education of the Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles Group;Enjoy leading a vibrant academic chair group with passion to develop people and create synergy;Have experience in leading academic professionals with an inspiring, unifying, supportive and inclusive leadership style and proven financial and operational management skills;Possess a proven capacity of acquiring, leading, and managing externally funded research projects.If you recognize yourself in the majority of this profile, have demonstrable affinity and relevant experience, and are open to further develop yourself, we invite you to apply.Salary Benefits: You will be working for an inspiring international organisation actively engaged in a large number of interdisciplinary projects all over the world. The scientific quality of Wageningen University & Research is affirmed by the prominent position we occupy in international rankings and citation indices. We offer you a position as Full Professor and Chair of the Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles Group. Besides a competitive salary (maximum gross salary for starting chair holders is € 9,680 per month), we offer a number of additional benefits, such as an end-of-year extra month’s salary, a holiday allowance and a pension plan with the Dutch pension fund for government and education. International candidates moving to the Netherlands may benefit from a special tax relief, by which a part of their salary is exempt from tax for several years. Working hours can be discussed to optimize the work-life balance (32-38 hours per week). Coming from abroad We are a globally leading university in the life sciences. The themes we deal with are relevant to everyone around the world. Wageningen University, therefore, has a large international community and a lot to offer to international employees. The university’s highly qualified team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family. For partners we have a dual career program to help them find work in the Netherlands. Furthermore, we can assist you in finding schools for your children and assist you with finding housing in the region or elsewhere in the Netherlands.Work Hours: 38 hours per weekAddress: Droevendaalsesteeg
Assistant Professor of Neurotechnology
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen
Are you an enthusiastic scientist with a strong research interest in neurotechnology? Do you want to inspire students to think critically? Are you committed to diversity, equity and inclusion? And would you like to share your expertise and contribute to our academic community? If so, come and join our faculty as an assistant professor. We are looking for an Assistant Professor of Neurotechnology to strengthen and complement the Neurotechnology research programme at the Donders Centre for Neuroscience (DCN). You will develop and optimise neurotechnologies for fundamental research in systems neuroscience and its clinical applications, with a focus on various methods for invasive electrophysiology in humans. As an assistant professor, you will combine neurotechnology know-how with clinical and cognitive neuroscience expertise. You will build and lead your own research team while working closely with other teams within DCN and the Donders environment. In addition, we expect the candidate to show the ability to link the local Neurotechnology research activities to international networks, such as within the NeuroTechEU European University alliance. Besides conducting excellent collaborative research at DCN and the Faculty of Science, you will also actively take part in the education of our students in the Bachelor’s programme in Human Neuroscience and the Master’s programme in Neurotechnology. Lastly, you will engage in selected academic management and organisational tasks.Requirements: You have an established research line in neurotechnology, and a track and publication record in clinical or cognitive neuroscience.You are an academically well-trained individual with a strong international profile and a track record in innovative and impactful science.You have a clear vision of the future of the field.You have a collaborative and open attitude with excellent communication skills.You have experience in the supervision of undergraduate and possibly also graduate students.Teaching experience is a plus and you should be willing to acquire the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ).Experience with acquiring external funding is desirable.Proven administrative, organisational and management qualities are a plus. The Faculty of Science is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and as such encourages applications from women and minorities.Salary Benefits: You will be initially employed as Assistant Professor level 2 (salary scale 11). After one year, your contract will become permanent upon positive evaluation. Furthermore, you will receive transparent career-track criteria, and when you achieve these criteria you will be promoted to Assistant Professor level 1 (salary scale 12). The amounts in the scale are based on a 38-hour working week.You will receive an 8% holiday allowance and an 8,3% end-of-year bonus.You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Support Service. The Dual Career Programme assists your partner via support, tools, and resources to improve their chances of independently finding employment in the Netherlands. Our Family Support Service helps you and your partner feel welcome and at home by providing customised assistance in navigating local facilities, schools, and amenities. Also take a look at our support for international staff page to discover all our services for international employees.You will receive extra days off. With full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the statutory 20.Work and science require good employment practices. This is reflected in Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself, for example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports subscription. And of course, we offer a good pension plan. You are given plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.Address: Houtlaan 4