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Aanbevolen vacatures

Project Manager
Bart Vink& Partners, De Meern
FunctieomschrijvingAls Project Manager in Utrecht breng jij complexe ontwikkel- en implementatieprojecten tot een goed einde. Je combineert resultaatgerichtheid met mensgerichtheid: je bereikt het gewenst resultaat samen met je team en zorgt voor hun belangen. Verder houd je je bezig met:Het schakelen op verschillende niveaus;Stakeholdermanagement;4 uur per week aan de slag met je eigen research en development.Functie-eisenAls Project Manager in Utrecht ben je communicatief sterk, opereer je op verschillende niveaus in organisaties en combineer je resultaat- en mensgerichtheid. Daarnaast heb je de volgende achtergrond:HBO/WO diplomaMinimaal 3 jaar ervaring met het managen van ontwikkel- en implementatieprojecten;Ervaring met projectmanagement binnen Rijksoverheid;In bezit van certificaten als PRINCE2, IPMA, etc.;Kennis van Agile/Scrum;Beheersing Nederlandse en Engelse taal in woord en geschrift.BedrijfsomschrijvingAls Project Manager in Utrecht kom je te werken bij een internationaal en onafhankelijk IT-adviesbureau met een focus op kennismanagement. Je managet projecten van analyse tot implementatie. De klanten bestaan uit overheidsorganisaties, multinationals en banken. Je werkt in een interdisciplinair team, waarmee je complexe projecten in een breed spectrum op kan pakken. Het team bestaat uit ongeveer 30 mensen en je komt te werken in een groep met een specifieke focus op business development. IntroductieAls Project Manager in Utrecht breng jij complexe ontwikkel- en implementatie projecten tot een goed einde. Je combineert resultaat- en mensgerichtheid en bedient samen met een multidisciplinair team verscheidene klanten zoals overheidsorganisaties, banken en multinationals. ArbeidsvoorwaardenDe Project Manager in Utrecht heeft het volgende arbeidsvoorwaardenpakket:Marktconform salaris op basis van kennis en ervaring;Bonusregeling;Lease auto of mobiliteitsvergoeding;Laptopvergoeding;27 vakantiedagen10% vakantievergoeding50% vergoeding pensioen, aangevuld met partnerpensioenKorting op zorgverzekering;Ruim opleidingsbudgetOnkostenvergoedingCopyright: Bart Vink & PartnersSollicitatieprocedureContactgegevensBedrijfsnaam: Bart Vink & PartnersContactpersoon: Bart VinkAdres: Atoomweg 63Postcode/plaats: 3542 AA UtrechtTelefoon: +31303200250Email: [email protected]
IT Project Manager
Personato werving en selectie, Arnhem
FunctieomschrijvingCRV is voor de IT organisatie op zoek naar een nieuwe Project Manager. Als Project Manager ben je verantwoordelijk voor de kwaliteit en voortgang van het project in de verschillende fasen die het project doorloopt. Je geeft leiding aan het projectteam en zorgt dat de projecten binnen de tijd en binnen budget worden opgeleverd. Het betreft een zelfstandige functie, waarbij je afhankelijk van het project samenwerkt met alle afdelingen en leveranciers in de organisatie en in nauwe samenwerking met de eigenaar van het project. Let op, de projecteigenaar legt de verantwoordelijkheid bij jou neer, dus jij bent uitstekend in staat om zelfstandig projecten af te ronden. Jouw sterke communicatieve vaardigheden dragen bij aan het creëren van draagvlak. Als Project Manager bij CRV ben je voor meerdere projecten tegelijkertijd verantwoordelijk. Binnen de hectiek van de projecten ben je in staat om overzicht te houden en zoom je waar nodig in op de details. Problemen ben je hierdoor voor of je speelt hier adequaat op in. Je krijgt hier energie van en brengt die over op het team.Tot slot ben je op de hoogte van de afdelings- en organisatieplannen en doordat je weet wat de uitdagingen zijn, weet je waar jij in het project rekening mee moet houden. Functieeisen CRV is voor deze vacature op zoek naar het volgende profiel:HBO denk - en werkniveau;Minimaal 3-5 jaar ervaring in het aansturen van Project teams en het begeleiden van projecten van ontwerp tot implementatie; Ervaring met methodieken zoals Prince2, Agile en LEAN; Gedegen kennis van ICT-infrastructuur en Security; Verder heb je ervaring in het opstellen van begrotingen en het bewaken van aspecten zoals tijd/planning, kwaliteit, budget en informatie.BedrijfsomschrijvingCRV is een innovatieve coöperatie voor rundveeverbetering. BETTER COWS | BETTER LIFE is waar CRV voor staat. Zij helpen veehouders bij het fokken van een gezonde en efficiënte rundveestapel en bieden een breed aanbod aan producten en diensten, om de veestapel optimaal te laten presteren. Circa 24.000 Nederlandse en Vlaamse veehouders zijn bij de Coöperatie Koninklijke CRV aangesloten en zijn daarmee de eigenaren van het bedrijf CRV. We opereren internationaal in meer dan 50 landen en hebben wereldwijd circa 2.000 medewerkers.ArbeidsvoorwaardenCRV biedt haar collega's uitstekende arbeidsvoorwaarden, namelijk:Een uitstekend salaris; 25 vakantiedagen en 17,5 ATV-dagen; Een eindejaarsuitkering; Een gunstige pensioenregeling; Veel aandacht voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling, door opleiding en training; Een persoonlijk keuzebudget, flexibiliteit in arbeidsvoorwaarden;Duurzaam inzetbaarheidsbudget;Aanvullende verzekeringenSollicitatieprocedureContactgegevensBedrijfsnaam: Personato Werving & SelectieContactpersoon: Luuk BongersAdres: Keizersveld 91Postcode/plaats: 5803AP VenrayTelefoon: 0478-630 930Email: [email protected]
Account Manager ICT
Mount Sigma B.V., Amersfoort, Utrecht
!! FOR THIS POSITION YOU NEED TO SPEAK DUTCH AND NOW LIVES IN THE NETHERLANDS!!Ben jij een verkoper met een groot netwerk die onze diensten graag zou willen? Heb jij een passie voor IT? Heel goed!Je job zal bestaan uit de volgende onderdelen:Zoeken naar kansen in je continu groeiende netwerk;Verkoop onze geweldige diensten aan de juiste mensen;Samenwerken met ICT-collega's in Nederland en onze operationeel directeur;Kom in contact met onze zakelijke partners om samen de juiste doelgroep te bereiken;Communiceer door betrokken te zijn bij marketingactiviteiten.Wat we aanbiedenAllereerst bieden we je een passend salaris. Heb je een bepaald salaris in gedachten gezien je ervaring? Laat het ons weten, dan kijken we wat we kunnen doen.Salarisindicatie€ 2.500 tot € 3.500 per maandAls Account Manager ICT bieden wij jou:De mogelijkheid om in nauwe samenwerking met de operationeel directeur een nieuw strategisch partnerschap op te bouwen in een nieuwe business unitWerk samen met een werkgever die begrijpt dat het geluk van het team de sleutel is tot het succes van de klantGoede primaire en secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden4 dagen hybride werk(4*8,5), o.a. 3 dagen thuis en 1 dag kantoor (elke woensdag)Secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden: Zeer aantrekkelijke sales bonusregeling, bestaande uit 2 bonus componenten, o.a. Individuele sales prestatie tot 2 duizend euro’s per maand of zelfs hoger afhankelijk van behaalde target, Jaarlijkse sales afdeling prestatie bonus van 15% van het bruto jaarsalaris)Studiekostenregeling (opleiding en trainingsbudget van 2000 euro/jaar);Loopbaanbegeleiding;Laptop van de zaak;Telefoon van de zaak;Reiskostenvergoeding;28 vakantie dagen;8% vakantiegeld;Pensioenregeling;Direct vaste aanstelling(onbepaaldetijd contract) na proeftijd van 2 maanden;Thuiswerkregeling met thuiswerk vergoeding van €2,15/dag;Eindejaarsuitkering(afhankelijk van bedrijfsresultaat);Be Kind voucher van max 10 euro/maand te doneren aan je favoriete goede doel elke maand.Over jouMet een passie voor sales kom je bij ons een heel eind. Wat verwachten we nog meer van jou?Een HBO/WO-diploma;Minimaal 1 jaar recente werkervaring in B2B sales ICT of account management in de ICT;Een commercieel genie zijn: je leeft en ademt verkoop;Ervaring met het onderhouden en opbouwen van klantrelaties;Zelfsturend en zelf-organiserend;Een netwerk op het gebied van online dienstverlening tot je beschikking;Uitstekende communicatieve vaardigheden in het Nederlands en het Engels;Liefst woonachtig hooguit 25 km vanaf Amersfoort;Pre: Ervaring met zakelijke klanten acquisitie via LinkedIn Sales Navigator Bij Mount Sigma is de Account Manager een mensen mens die het doel van het bedrijf als zijn broekzak kent.Jij vindt het heel leuk om continu met nieuwe mensen om te gaan (en tegelijkertijd hartelijke contacten te onderhouden met bestaande klanten) en uit te zoeken of ons bedrijf aan hun digitale behoeften kan voldoen.Het sluiten van de deal is waar je 's ochtends als eerste enthousiast van wordt. Als deze eigenschappen jou beschrijven, zijn we op weg naar iets groots hier.Zie https://mountsigma.com/Over onsMount Sigma is een nieuwe IT start-up met internationale groei ambities. We zijn zowel een IT consultancy bedrijf als een digitale agency. Met verandering maken we onze klanten sterker. Door digitale platforms te creëren, verbeteren we de klantervaring. Het resultaat? Digitale doorbraken. Ben jij klaar voor je volgende carrièrestap? Welkom bij Mount Sigma!Vragen over deze rol?Stuur gerust een berichtje naar [email protected]. Wij beantwoorden ze graag.
IT project engineer
FYGI BV, Amsterdam
FunctieomschrijvingBij Keesing Media Group is er door continue groei ruimte voor een IT Project engineer. Jij bent het gezicht van onze ICT afdeling voor onze Nederlandse en internationale organisatie en bent betrokken bij verschillende projecten. Dit doe je in een ICT-team die de verantwoordelijkheid draagt voor inmiddels meer dan 200 servers en 600 werkplekken. Als project engineer kies je voor een uitdagende functie in een inspirerende omgeving. Wij werken vanuit ons hoofdkantoor in Amsterdam maar je hebt ook de mogelijkheid om deels thuis te werken.Wat ga je doen?Keesing Media Group groeit en onze ICT-professionalisering groeit mee. Dit betekent dat jij als project engineer verantwoordelijk bent voor diverse projecten, bijvoorbeeld migraties naar eigen datacenters en de cloud die voortkomen uit bedrijfsacquisities. Samen met je collega’s ben je verantwoordelijk voor ICT in de breedste zin. Security, monitoring en 2e en 3elijns support kennen geen geheimen voor jou. Je neemt de lead in projecten en bewaakt de processen. Daarnaast kijk je kritisch naar de huidige processen en probeert waar mogelijk een verbeter/efficiëntieslag te maken. Spreek en schrijf je goed Engels? Dat is perfect, gezien wij een internationale organisatie zijn.Over Keesing Media GroupAls jij wel eens gepuzzeld hebt, dan is de kans groot dat wij deze gemaakt hebben. Keesing Media Group is internationaal marktleider op het gebied van puzzelproducten. We maken content voor print en ontwikkelen app en web gebaseerde puzzels. We hebben 12 kantoren in verschillende landen met ons kantoor in Amsterdam, het hoofdkantoor, als kloppend hart van de organisatie. Bij Keesing Media Group in Amsterdam zijn alle internationale en coördinerende processen en systemen gegroepeerd.Werken bij Keesing Media GroupBij Keesing staat plezier centraal. Onze smart fun producten spelen een positieve rol in de levens van velen. Hier zijn wij trots op. Onze cultuur is informeel en professioneel, we hebben oog voor elkaar en we zetten allemaal een extra stapje om het beste uit onszelf te halen.We zijn slim, bescheiden en gericht op kwaliteit. Dat is het DNA van ons bedrijf. Er is veel veranderd in de 110 jaar dat ons bedrijf bestaat. Wij omarmen verandering en geloven in de toekomst van print én digitale puzzel producten. Wat in de afgelopen 110 jaar hetzelfde is gebleven, is onze passie voor onze producten.Functie-eisenWie ben jij?Als project engineer ben jij communicatief vaardig en vind het leuk om veel in contact te zijn met diverse stakeholders. Daarnaast ben je gewend om in een dynamische omgeving te werken en ben je een echte allround ICT’er. Je weet structuur en orde te creëren in projecten en neemt hierin samen met de ICT-manager de lead. Daarnaast weet jij binnen projecten de vertaalslag van de IT naar de business te maken en draagvlak te creëren. Je bewaakt de kwaliteit van de projecten en bent in staat om samen met de ICT manager het team naar een hoger niveau te tillen. Onderstaande kennis is niet volledig vereist. Enthousiasme om dit eigen te maken is belangrijker, Allround kennis en de wil om je te blijven ontwikkelen is essentieel!HBO werk- en denkniveau;Je hebt ervaring met projectmanagementJe kijkt kritisch naar processen, en volgt de ontwikkelingen op de markt en doet verbetervoorstellen op basis van jouw bevindingenIn het bezit van een recente MCSA en/of MCSE of AZ certificaat is een pre;Minimaal 3 jaar ervaring als System/Networking Engineer;Kennis en ervaring met Windows Server 2016 t/m 2022 en/of LinuxKennis en ervaring met virtualisatie oplossingenErvaring met Ceph Storage en Sonicwall is een pre;Kennis en ervaring met Exchange, Office 365 en Azure in een hybride omgeving;Kennis en ervaring met SQL server is een préArbeidsvoorwaardenWat bieden wij?Als project engineer bij Keesing Media Group in Amsterdam word je onderdeel van een unieke werkgever. Dat betekent eigenaarschap en medezeggenschap waarbij je zelf jouw functie verder kunt vormgeven. Daarnaast zijn er volop groei- en ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden.Je kiest voor goed salaris passend bij de zwaarte van de functie en afgestemd op jouw kennis en ervaring.Je kiest voor hybride werkstructuur (vanuit huis en vanuit kantoor)Je kiest voor een Persoonlijk Keuze Budget (PKB) dat je naar eigen wens kunt inzetten en 100 % OV reiskostenvergoedingJe kiest voor goede digitale middelen die jou helpen je werk goed te doenJe kiest voor dagelijks een optionele inhouse lunch, vitaliteitsregeling en een puzzel abonnement naar keuzeSollicitatieprocedureContactgegevensBedrijfsnaam: FYGIContactpersoon: Sergi HidalgoAdres: Pelenerf 12Postcode/plaats: 3861 PR NijkerkTelefoon: 06 27 05 08 35Email: [email protected]
Commercial Manager Trading & Chartering
Damen Shipyards Group, Gorinchem, NL
Damen Trading & Chartering is the brokerage/chartering company within the Damen Shipyards Group. We offer our clients the experience of Damen vessels and supports the sales department of the Damen Shipyards Group and its clients by introducing new vessel concepts and developing markets through (temporary) Damen vessel ownership. Our business form a sound symbiosis with other Damen entities as well as Damen clients. Chartering workboats is a Damen activity, which dates back to the early seventies. In 1974 the Marine Service Division was officially formed. Chartering out vessels became a service to clients while a new vessel was being built at the shipyard. Today, providing a frontrunner is one of the many services which Damen has to offer. We presently operates a modern fleet of harbour tugs, workboats, waterbusses, barges and crew boats. Through Damen Trading & Chartering we offer brokerage services for used vessels and trade-in possibilities against new building Damen vessels. The company's office is situated in Gorinchem at the head-office of the Damen Shipyards Group in The Netherlands, close to the sales department and product development departments of the new building division. As Commercial Manager, you play a crucial role in the successful utilization of our fleet and establishment of new business. Damen Trading & Chartering department is responsible for all aspects of vessel chartering activities on a day-to-day basis. It is the chartering department’s principal responsibility to ensure profitable employment of our vessels and to develop new business in close consultation with the Damen newbuilding sales managers. You provide together with your colleagues 24-7 support. You will work closely together with our operations department to ensure timely and accurate execution of charter contracts. Prepare, submit and follow up chartering offers; Monitor market developments, conditions and charter rates; Identify opportunities for Damen built vessels; Draft and negotiate (BIMCO) charter contracts; Responsible for post-fixture activities and work alongside operations staff for the coordination and follow up between the client, captains, agents and chartering brokers; Establish excellent working relationship with existing Damen clients, Damen newbuilding sales teams and build new client base; Visit projects, clients and vessels when so required. Report your written conclusions including possible operational and technical improvements. For the position Commercial Manager, we are looking for a person with the following profile: Bachelor degree preferably in the maritime field, commerce or economics; A minimum of 2 years relevant working experience in the maritime industry; Pro-active and independent approach and being able to work in a structured manner; Good knowledge of the Dutch and English language, both in writing and speaking; A strong and powerful communicator and negotiator; Willingness to travel abroad and visit the vessels when so required. At Damen we realize that supporting and managing talented individuals is of great importance. We understand that the key to success is to find the right person for the right job. That is why we continuously invest in your development. Damen offers you: a dynamic international working environment focusing on technology and innovation; a competitive salary; at least 40 days of annual leave; flexibility with a homeworking policy; profit sharing & pension allowance; continuous focus on professional and personal development through our Damen Academy; an active social environment such as events and sports; working in a family environment. Are you a commercial hands-on maritime professional with a positive attitude and strong organizational skills? Do you have knowledge of Damen vessels and are you looking for a new challenge? Apply now for the Commercial Manager position! Contact our recruiter Ankie van Hees, when you have any questions.  #LI-AV1
Traineeship Business - IT Consultant
Bart Vink& Partners, Regio Randstad
FunctieomschrijvingIn dit traineeship werk je volledig toe naar de doelfunctie die je samen met jouw manager en opdrachtgever voor ogen hebt.Wanneer we voor jou de juiste manager en opdrachtgever hebben gevonden ga je direct aan de slag in het team, ga je de organisatie leren kennen en de systemen eigen maken. De werkzaamheden verschillen per opdrachtgever, afhankelijk van de doelen in jouw persoonlijke Management Plan. Wat in ieder geval in jouw traineeship centraal staat is veel leren, jezelf ontwikkelen en het managen van de business information processen. Teamwork is belangrijk en je schakelt met verschillende collega’s en afdelingen. Je zal je bezig houden met het organiseren en uitvoeren van wijzigingen op de processen en applicatie en daarnaast wordt je als expert gevraagd voor een diversiteit van vragen. Taken die (deels) in jouw dagelijkse werkzaamheden naar voren gaan komen:Het gebruikersproces van de informatievoorziening;Beheren van informatievoorzieningen;Requirements analyse;Project- en proces management;Impact analyses;Test, acceptatie en implementatie.Functie-eisenEen HBO of WO-opleiding;Affiniteit met de IT-omgeving;Je bent kritisch en durft vragen te stellen;Je gaat graag in gesprek met collega's en bent klantgericht;Affiniteit met IT-processen, implementaties en verbeteringen;Uitstekende beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal.BedrijfsomschrijvingAls Trainee Business - IT Consultant ga je via Joust Young Professionals werken bij een van onze opdrachtgevers in Nederland. Je wordt in 18 maanden opgeleid, gecoacht en begeleid om uiteindelijk indiensttreding te mogen treden bij onze opdrachtgever. Bij Joust vinden we het belangrijk dat je op één lijn zit met je manager en de opdrachtgever. Daarnaast vinden wij het belangrijk dat jouw eigen talenten ontwikkeld worden en dat je wordt omringt met professionals die jou inspireren. We selecteren daarom vooral functies die passen bij jouw wensen, eisen en cultuur voorkeuren. IntroductieNet afgestudeerd en wil je jezelf in snel tempo ontwikkelen op het snijvlak van IT en business management? Lees snel verder!Het werkveld dat zorgt voor de aansluiting tussen business en IT is een dynamisch en snel veranderend werkveld. Wat vraagt dit vakgebied nu écht van young professionals en met welke situaties krijgen zij zoal te maken? Vooral de procesmatige en mensgerichte kant van de Functionele Consultancy is belangrijker dan ooit. In dit traineeship wordt aandacht besteed aan de brugfunctie tussen business en IT door bedrijfsprocessen als uitgangspunt te nemen en die ter vertalen naar applicaties, software, proces- en projectmanagement. En consultancy vaardigheden zoals soft skills en recente ontwikkelingen binnen het vakgebied. Dit zorgt voor een compact opleiding- en ontwikkel traject en directe werkervaring van jou als professional in functies op het snijvlak van business en IT.ArbeidsvoorwaardenEen intensief opleidingstraject waarin je door middel van trainingsdagen en 'learning by doing' binnen 18 maanden wordt opgeleid tot Functioneel Consultant mét werkervaring;Een persoonlijk Talentmanagementplan (TMP) bestaande uit vakinhoudelijke- en soft skills trainingen;Eén van onze consultants als persoonlijke coach die coaching en periodieke evaluaties verzorgt;De mogelijkheid om na de 18 maanden in dienst te treden bij de opdrachtgever;Een marktconform salaris en uitstekende secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden;Maandelijkse activiteiten (Als de meeste gevaccineerd zijn weer een BBQ, borrel, etc.) met andere trainees bij ons op het basecamp.Ben je opzoek een traineeship waarin je je ontwikkeld op het snijvlak business en IT. Schrijf je dan in op deze vacature via onderstaande link: Klik hier voor open inschrijving    (Via de website - Young Professionals - Log in - open inschrijving)Vervolgens zal een van onze consultants contact met je opnemen om meer te horen over jouw wensen en voorkeuren en een eerste onderzoek doen naar passende opdrachtgevers. SollicitatieprocedureContactgegevensBedrijfsnaam: Bart Vink & PartnersContactpersoon: Alexandra WinterAdres: Atoomweg 63Postcode/plaats: 3542 AA UtrechtTelefoon: +31611462120Email: [email protected]
Bid Manager IT
FYGI BV, Haaksbergen
FunctieomschrijvingBen jij een zelfstandige professional met een passie voor het managen van het volledige bidproces? Heb je ervaring in het schrijven van overtuigende teksten en ben je in staat om de behoeften van opdrachtgevers om te zetten naar praktische business oplossingen? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jou!Dit ga je doenAls Bidmanager bij PCI ben je de sleutelfiguur in het gehele tendertraject. Met jouw commerciële instelling en organisatorische vaardigheden zorg je ervoor dat elk aanbestedings- en offertetraject succesvol en tijdig wordt afgerond. Je werkt zelfstandig, maar bent ook een teamspeler die effectief samenwerkt met collega's en verschillende afdelingen om gezamenlijke doelstellingen te behalen.Kerntaken: Schrijven van pakkende teksten met een out-of-the-box mentaliteit om de win-kans van aanbestedingen te vergroten.Analyseren van de relevantie van aanbestedingen en offertetrajectenOrganiseren van kick-off meetings om interne en externe betrokkenen te informeren en de inschrijfstrategie te bespreken.Uitvoeren van concurrentie- en marktanalyses.Vroegtijdig signaleren van verbeterpunten in het tenderproces en actief bijdragen aan oplossingen.Functie-eisenJij bent niet zomaar een Bidmanager; jij bent een creatieve denker met een winnaarsmentaliteit die altijd tot het uiterste gaat om de kans op een succesvolle aanbesteding te vergroten. Jij schakelt graag tussen de verschillende afdelingen en jij vindt het leuk om met meerdere mensen te werken. Dit vragen wij van jouAls Bidmanager speel je een cruciale rol bij het verwerven van nieuwe opdrachten en ben je verantwoordelijk voor het coördineren van het bidproces. Natuurlijk heb jij een uitstekende kennis van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal in woord en geschrift.Hbo werk- en denkniveau.Minimaal vijf jaar aantoonbare ervaring in een vergelijkbare rol.Uitstekende plannings- en organisatievaardigheden.Gedegen kennis van wet- en regelgeving binnen Bidmanagement en aanbestedingen.Leidinggevende en coachende vaardigheden.Het zou fijn zijn als je een APMP certificering hebt of iets vergelijkbaar, het is geen vereiste!ArbeidsvoorwaardenJij als Bidmanager bij PCI komt ons veel brengen waardoor jij natuurlijk ook wat van ons kan verwachten. Jij komt in een informele en ongedwongen werkomgeving te werken.Daarnaast kan jij ook het volgende verwachten:Een salaris wat past bij je werkervaring, tussen de € 3.898 en € 5.155 op een fulltime maand basisGave incentives gedurende het jaarPensioenregeling met 50% werkgeversbijdrageMogelijkheid voor een vaste overeenkomst bij goed functionerenJouw team Als Bidmanager bij PCI kom jij in een gedreven team terecht. Je collega's zijn enthousiast, jullie helpen elkaar graag. Een informele en fijne omgeving. SollicitatieprocedureContactgegevensBedrijfsnaam: FYGIContactpersoon: Martine de MunkAdres: Pelenerf 12Postcode/plaats: 3861 PR NijkerkTelefoon: 0682290624Email: [email protected]
Senior Account Manager (multinationals)
Undutchables, Roermond
As a Senior Account Manager, your focus will be on handling our client's key international accounts, serving as their main contact point for business matters with our client. You'll also lead your own team to ensure smooth operations. Building lasting relationships is a big part of the job—our client believes in a hands-on, proactive approach to deliver top-notch products and services.Your main responsibilities include selling dairy products to assigned customers and guiding your account team. You'll also be out there, maintaining and forging new connections with multinational partners, whether it's through visits or international fairs. Understanding what customers need and turning that insight into effective sales strategies is crucial. Managing sales contracts professionally and collaborating effectively within the company are also key tasks.Staying on top of market trends and product developments is essential. You'll be expected to identify opportunities in the market and take action as needed. Plus, you'll handle risk management for sales and purchases, ensuring reliability and addressing any issues promptly. It's all about keeping our business running smoothly and seizing every opportunity for growth.Requirements: A bachelor or master degreemore than 3 years of experience as an account manager on a multinational scalecommercial, relationship-building and trade skillsFluent in English, fluency in Dutch is a big plusknowledge of automated systemsFull-time availabilityYou live near RoermondSalary Benefits: Our client offers a competitive salary with great benefits, including a fully paid pension. You also get to work in a mulit-national organisation with a great traineeship opportunity and development opportunities.Note: Salary depends on the candidate's experienceAbout the company: Our client is a fast-growing international organization with headquarters located all over the world. They provide dairy products globally. They focus on the distribution, selling and marketing of dairy products. 
Senior Manager Commercial Marketing | Household appliances
Adams Multilingual Recruitment, Amsterdam
For our international client in the homecare appliances sector, we are currently seeking an experienced professional to fill the role of Senior Manager – Business Marketing Europe. This key position entails serving as the local marketing expert and overseeing the European category P&Ls. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in achieving business targets and long-term ambitions while collaboratively building and executing comprehensive 4P Marketing Strategies in alignment with upstream product management and the commercial triangle.Key Responsibilities:Develop the European marketing plan by consolidating Business/Market Plans for different sub-categories across markets.Align with cross-functional teams on marketing plan initiatives, including Shopper Marketing, Integrated Performance Marketing, Product Marketing, and Sales.Manage the 4P strategy for all (sub)categories on the European level, as well as key markets, translating it into execution plans with the commercial teams.Drive critical paths and activation calendars for (sub)-category New Product Development launches, ensuring sustainable delivery on Growth objectives.Define the promotional plan as part of the marketing activation plan.Conduct portfolio management, including SKU optimization, PLC, and competition analysis.Monitor EU market share development, analyze performance, and propose actions for improvements with a high sense of ownership and urgency.Serve as the primary point of contact for sub-categories in the European commercial organization.Ensure timely and complete delivery of product launches and deliverables for European markets.Drive operational excellence for European markets in collaboration with end-to-end commercial and functional stakeholders to meet growth ambitions and address detractors.Enhance Consumer Experience through R&R analytics in partnership with cross-functional teams.Improve profitability across the P&L lines of different categories.Define and implement pricing strategies for all sub-categories to maximize financial objectives and optimize competitive positions.Cooperate seamlessly with the International Product Marketing Team to align with the international portfolio strategy and long-term product portfolio and innovation roadmap.Tailor the portfolio and roadmap to local market needs by providing fact-based insights on market needs and financial opportunities.Drive strategic marketing projects and quality improvements on a European level in collaboration with local commercial teams and functional representatives.Monitor and achieve key performance indicators (KPIs) such as GM%, R&R, and Value market share %.Your profile:Bachelor/Master’s degree in Economics/Business/Marketing or related12-15 years of experience in a commercial/marketing function within the household appliances industryPrevious leadership experience is beneficialExperience in setting up pricing and channelization strategies for multiple product categories internationallyPrior experience in an international matrix organizationBusiness fluency in English is a must; fluency in German or French is a plusStrategic mindset and a hands-on attitudeAbility to inspire others and bring teams together to achieve shared goalsWhat’s in it for you?Competitive package25+2 holidaysPension planDisability insuranceHybrid working (50/50)Commuting allowanceInternational team and environmentOption to bring your pet with you at work!Please note, we can only consider candidates who are currently residing in the Netherlands. Send us your resume if it sounds like a great fit for your next step!Work Experience: 10+ Years
Global Learning and Development Manager
RollDock Shipping B.V., NL
Are you passionate about driving organizational growth and fostering employee development on a global scale? Roll Group is on the lookout for a dynamic individual to lead our Learning and Development initiatives worldwide.At Roll Group, we believe in investing in our people to drive success. To deliver reliable, sustainable and innovative project logistics solutions, we are committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning and development, empowering our employees to reach their full potential. This job opening is for our office in Capelle aan den IJssel. Company We are Roll Group. We deliver reliable, sustainable and innovative project logistics solutions. By moving the transition of energy and industry around the globe, we make a difference. Our team of industry-leading experts make it all happen. Heavy transport project management is in our blood. Our flexible, creative approach enables us to respond to all our clients’ needs. We offer our clients full-service factory-to-foundation solutions for some of the world's most demanding heavy lifting and special transport projects both on land and at sea. Our cargos include everything from wind turbines, deep-sea platforms to LNG or Hydrogen modules. We aim to bring added value to our clients and to successfully accomplish projects we can be proud of. With so much diversity, there’s never a dull moment. PositionAs the Global Learning and Development Manager, you will play a pivotal role in shaping our organizational strategies to enhance productivity, compliance, and employee competencies. You will collaborate closely with the procurement department and regional HR teams to align learning initiatives with our operational goals and drive the development of emerging leaders within the organization.Key responsibilitiesResponsibilities include, but are not limited to:Championing the mission to enhance organizational and individual capacity through targeted, effective, and meaningful continuous learning and development.Serve as a strategic partner to leadership, aligning learning initiatives with operational strategies.Coordinate all aspects of global training programs, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.Develop and manage the group-wide Learning and Competence framework.Lead the development and implementation of learning technology solutions.Act as the primary LMS (Learning Management System) support officer, coordinating technical developments and user training.Collaborate with internal and external subject matter experts to design and implement impactful learning initiatives.Support the development and analysis of relevant L&D (Learning & Development) KPIs.Manage the L&D budget, ensuring effective allocation of resources.Promote a culture of continuous learning and development across all organizational levels.Maintain up-to-date procedures related to learning and development activities.Conduct audits of training providers to ensure quality and compliance.Serve as the primary liaison with the LMS provider, overseeing technical developments and ensuring compliance with requirements.Provide comprehensive L&D insights through periodical and ad-hoc reports.Your qualifications· Bachelor degree in Human Resources, Organizational Psychology, Business Administration or equivalent.5+ years of experience in organizational training, learning and development, talent management, or related field.Demonstrated competency in interpersonal, communication, presentation, creativity, collaboration, and project management skills.Experience in vendor management.Meet all requirements as stated in the company competence and training matrix.Willingness to travel abroad.Fluent in English (both verbally and in writing).What we offerChallenging and varied work (full-time) at a fast-growing international company. With plenty of flexibility and freedom, including hybrid working 2 days a week. We offer a competitive salary (based on your availability, knowledge and experience), 8.33% holiday pay and you participate in our Roll Group bonus scheme. You’ll also get 28 days of annual leave and we offer free lunch at work.Our selection processThe recruitment procedure will include two face-to-face interviews, possibly back-to-back. Your terms of employment and benefits package will be discussed at a subsequent meeting. We aim to finalize the entire process within 3 weeks.We want to hear from youYou’re one click away from a career filled with excitement and opportunity. Send us your application via the button to the right. If you have any questions about the position, don’t hesitate to contact Kim Blok +31 (0)6 21946973 or [email protected].Recruitment by commercial agencies concerning this vacancy is not appreciated.
Global QHSSE Project Manager Marine
RollDock Shipping B.V., Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Are you a seasoned QHSSE professional with a passion for shaping safety practices in the maritime industry? Roll Group is actively seeking a dynamic QHSSE Project Manager Marine to lead and navigate our core operational projects towards the summit of exceptional performance and quality. This job opening is for our office in Capelle aan den IJssel. Company We are Roll Group. We deliver reliable, sustainable and innovative project logistics solutions. By moving the transition of energy and industry around the globe, we make a difference. Our team of industry-leading experts make it all happen. Heavy transport project management is in our blood. Our flexible, creative approach enables us to respond to all our clients’ needs. We offer our clients full-service factory-to-foundation solutions for some of the world's most demanding heavy lifting and special transport projects both on land and at sea. Our cargos include everything from wind turbines, deep-sea platforms to LNG or Hydrogen modules. We aim to bring added value to our clients and to successfully accomplish projects we can be proud of. With so much diversity, there’s never a dull moment. PositionAs the QHSSE Project Manager Marine, you will be at the forefront of ensuring a safe and secure environment during core operational projects. Your responsibilities will include:Provide key leadership in QHSSE matters throughout all project stages.Act as the primary point of contact for QHSSE, representing the company's commitment during projects.Prepare and maintain essential QHSSE project documents, ensuring compliance with industry standards.Oversee the implementation of the Offshore Vessel Management Self-Assessment (OVMSA) standard.Conduct project audits, observations, and inspections to ensure adherence to QHSSE standards.Collaborate with procurement to assess and manage QHSSE performance of suppliers and contractors.Ensure stakeholders comprehend QHSSE policies and relevant regulations throughout project stages.Provide timely and proactive advice on QHSSE matters for project success.Manage Marine-related certification and inspection programs, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.Lead, analyze, report on, and follow up on incidents, driving continuous enhancement of QHSSE practices.Your qualificationsHigher Vocational Education (Maritime Education) or equivalent.5-10 years of relevant experience in a similar position.Professional certifications in QHSSE (e.g., NEBOSH, ISO 9001 Lead Auditor) highly desirable.Proven track record in driving a positive safety culture and achieving QHSSE goals.Desirable Qualification: DPA & CSO.Practical mindset with growth potential.Independent worker.Willingness to travel abroad.Fluent in English (both verbally and in writing).What we offerWe offer a competitive salary (based on your availability, knowledge, and experience) and you will participate in our Roll Group bonus scheme. Additionally, we are a growing organization and provide excellent career advancement opportunitiesOur selection processThe recruitment procedure will include two face-to-face interviews, possibly back-to-back. Your terms of employment and benefits package will be discussed at a subsequent meeting. We aim to finalize the entire process within 3 weeks.We want to hear from youYou’re one click away from a career filled with excitement and opportunity. Send us your application via the button to the right. If you have any questions about the position, don’t hesitate to contact Kim Blok +31 (0)6 21946973 or [email protected].Recruitment by commercial agencies concerning this vacancy is not appreciated.
Project manager
RollDock Shipping B.V., NL
Are you a seasoned Project Manager ready to embark on a challenging journey, overseeing and coordinating diverse projects in the dynamic realm of heavy transport on land and sea? Then we are looking for you! Check out our vacancy and take the first step towards shaping extraordinary projects - apply now!Company Roll Group is a renowned provider of project logistics services specializing in heavy cargo transport and lifting, both on land and at sea. Our mission is to deliver the best-engineered heavy lift transport and installation solutions in a safe, efficient, and sustainable manner, adding value to our client's projects. With a global presence and a focus on the Middle East, North America, and Asia, we operate with cutting-edge technology and a dedicated team. As a Marine Engineer at Roll Group, you make it happen. Based in Capelle aan den IJssel, you’ll be part of a company that is making a difference by moving the transition of energy and industry around the globe.Your roleAs a Project Manager, you will oversee and coordinate projects related to our land and sea activities, playing a crucial role in ensuring their success. Your responsibilities will include interpreting contracts, leading project teams, developing project plans, and effectively managing resources. Strong leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills are essential, along with proficiency in project management tools and knowledge of heavy transport on land and/or sea.Your tasks and responsibilities Interpret contracts and detailed scope of work.Lead project teams and manage resources effectively.Develop project plans, timelines, and budgets.Monitor project progress, make necessary adjustments, and identify/mitigate risks.Communicate with clients and stakeholders, providing updates and addressing concerns.Report to senior management on project status and outcomes.Provide leadership and mentorship to team members.Your qualificationsHigher Vocational Education (Maritime Transport) or equivalent.Strong leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills.Exceptional problem-solving and decision-making abilities.Proficiency in project management software and tools.Strong organizational and time management skills.Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.Knowledge of heavy transport on land and/or sea.Able to perform under tight schedules and deadlines.Able to work in a team as well as independently.Good computer literacy.Hands-on, pro-active attitude and service minded.Fluent in Dutch and English (both verbally and in writing).Willingness to travel abroad.What we offerChallenging and varied work (full-time) at a fast-growing international company. With plenty of flexibility and freedom, including hybrid working 2 days a week. We offer a competitive salary (based on your availability, knowledge and experience), 8.33% holiday pay and you participate in our Roll Group bonus scheme. You’ll also get 28 days of annual leave and we offer free lunch at work.Working for usAt Roll Group, we offer our clients full-service factory-to-foundation solutions on land and at sea. While we operate internationally, we are still relatively small, so there’s plenty of room for your ideas. You’ll work with a tight-knit and enthusiastic team in a cooperative work environment, with many opportunities to develop and grow.Our selection processThe recruitment procedure will include two face-to-face interviews, possibly back-to-back. Your terms of employment and benefits package will be discussed at a subsequent meeting. We aim to finalize the entire process within 3 weeks.We want to hear from youYou’re one click away from a career filled with excitement and opportunity. Send us your application via the button to the right. If you have any questions about the position, don’t hesitate to contact Phuong Nguyen +31 (0)6 21395419 or [email protected].Recruitment by commercial agencies concerning this vacancy is not appreciated
Contract Manager Procurement
Van Oord, Rotterdam, NL
The positionThe Contract Manager will assist the Category Manager Temp Labour and Learning & Development and Category Manager Consultancy & Engineering in the negotiation and drafting of new and amended contracts and will manage and optimize utilization of the contracts in scope. This includes making recommendations on minimizing risks and maximize added value to internal stakeholders and the category manager. Monitoring and analysis of KPI's, supporting in change management of processes and procedures and supplier improvement plans will also be part of the role. You will be working in a team with other procurement professionals were knowledge is available and shared in a pleasant and open atmosphere.Your responsibilitiesAs Contract Manager you are the linking pin between the most important stakeholders, internally with the legal department, colleagues of FlexOord (Temp labour) and Academy Support (Learning & development) and externally with different suppliers. You are part of a team 3 colleagues within the purchasing department. Your main responsibilities are:Serve as the point of contact for internal customers on contractual matters. Act as contractual “middleman” ensuring timely review and approval / reconciliation of variations;Develop and maintain an open and positive relationship with internal stakeholders and externalAnalyse & evaluate performance of stakeholders & suppliers based on performance measurement plan;Establish improvements in cooperation with key stakeholders & suppliers;Ensure contract close-out, extension or renewal;As needed, provide guidance on contractual matters to operational staff or key stakeholders, including training to operational staff and other employees in contracting practices and procedures;Ensure that signed contracts are communicated to all relevant parties to provide contract visibility and awareness, interpretation to support implementation;Develops a performance measurement plan, prepares and executes evaluation reports in cooperation with key stakeholders and supplier;Monitor agreed terms & conditions in the provided services, customer satisfaction, contracting practices and recommend changes.Job requirementsThe Contract Manager has good communication skills in Dutch and English to work effectively with suppliers and colleagues. You show a self-starter attitude, take ownership and are accountable for your actions. You are accurate and organize your work well. You are strong in convincing people and in negotiations. Furthermore, for the role as Procurement Contract Manager it is important that you have:At least 3 years of relevant work experience in a similar position;A completed education, at least HBO level;Preferably, knowledge of the maritime industry, especially in an international (project) environment and preferably in the fields of crewing, secondment recruitment and payroll solutions;Experience in reviewing contracts including terms & conditions;You have a service-oriented nature, setting high standards for your work.You do what you say and you say what you do. So that you properly manage the expectations of all stakeholdersYou are a pro-active worker, enjoy taking on tasks and enjoy outperforming.Excellent command of the Dutch and English language, both orally and in writing.We offerWe offer you a position in which you will make a significant contribution to our mission of 'building a better world for future generations'. In addition, we offer you:A salary in line with your responsibilities and experience;An attractive travel allowance (€0.31 per km)- and home working allowance (€2.15- per day);Additional allowances for working on board/on project sites abroad;32 holidays (of which a maximum of 7 are collective);Variable bonus, depending on company results, among other things;An attractive pension scheme;Possibility of collective health insurance (Van Oord pays for your supplementary package);Flexible home working arrangement; on a full-time basis, you can work from home for 2 days.Extensive development opportunities, including a very comprehensive online academy via Goodhabitz;Communities to join, such as: Young Van Oord, Van Oord Women and the Van Oord staff association;Various events and sports activities, including winter sports, sailing weekend, cycling and motorcycling.About Van OordVan Oord is a Dutch family-owned company with more than 150 years of experience as an international marine contractor. The focus is on dredging and marine construction, offshore wind, offshore infrastructure and infrastructure in the Netherlands. Its head office is in Rotterdam. Van Oord employs 4,700 staff, who worked on 187 projects in 35 countries in 2021. The fleet consists of about 70 vessels and a large amount of special-purpose and auxiliary equipment. Van Oord delivers marine ingenuity by using smart, innovative and sustainable solutions to create a better world for future generations.Do you want to be a part of Van Oord?Are you interested? Apply via the application form below. Do you have any questions? Please contact Xander de Cock.Do you like to know more about and want to stay informed of other vacancies within Van Oord? Climb aboard and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Vimeo and Facebook! Acquisition for this vacancy is not appreciated. #LI-XD1
Cyber Security Unit Manager
FYGI BV, 's-Gravenhage
FunctieomschrijvingGenereer new business. Als cyber security unit manager bij Hudson Cybertec in Den Haag hou jij je met interne en externe zaken bezig. Initieer en voer je ambitieuze plannen uit. Vertaal je strategische plannen naar tactisch en operationeel beleid. Markttrends signaleren? Dit doe jij! Als eindverantwoordelijke heb jij focus op je klanten en team en krijg je een salaris van €5.500,00 tot €7.800,00, 37 vakantiedagen en de mogelijkheid tot hybride werken. Dit ga je doenAls cyber security unit manager bij Hudson Cybertec in Den Haag manage, begeleid en motiveer je het team. Jij bent eindverantwoordelijk en neemt deze verantwoordelijkheden met je mee:·       Markt, financiën, en collega’s van de unit·       Je verhoogt en verbetert de operational excellence·       Je signaleert nieuwe (internationale) marktontwikkelingen·       Je stelt markt- en businessplannen op·       Je werkt samen met andere Kiwa afdelingen voor optimale klanttevredenheidJouw teamBij Hudson Cybertec draagt iedereen bij aan gemeenschappelijk succes. Jij komt terecht in een hecht en professioneel team, verspreid over heel Nederland. Binnen jouw team zijn de groeiambities groot en heerst er een informele sfeer. Samen met je team zijn ben je resultaatgericht, hebben jullie korte lijnen en werk je in een omgeving met vernieuwende ontwikkelingen. Met jouw leiderschap creëer je samen met je collega’s een stimulerende, uitdagende en veilige werkomgeving.Over Hudson Cybertec – Kiwa Wij, Hudson Cybertec zijn een onafhankelijke cybersecurity solution provider met uitgebreide ervaring in cybersecurity voor operationele technologie (OT).Wij zijn gevestigd Den Haag en onderdeel van Kiwa. Onze missie is het verbeteren en behouden van de digitale weerbaarheid van primaire processen bij bedrijven en organisaties. Wij bieden diverse diensten, zoals security scans, OT monitoring, consultancy, outsourcing en academische trainingen. Wij richten ons op het verhogen van digitale veiligheid met een maatwerkaanpak en zijn betrokken bij ontwikkelingen.Functie-eisenAls cyber security unit manager hecht jij waarde aan groei, ontwikkeling en een stimulerende werkomgeving. Verder neem je het volgende met je mee:·       Hbo- en/of academisch werk- en -denkniveau·       Minimaal 10 jaar relevante werkervaring binnen IT/OT·       Ervaring en kennis van cybersecurity en ISO/IEC normen ·       Uitstekende beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal·       Ervaring met het managen, begeleiden en motiveren van een teamArbeidsvoorwaardenAls cyber security unit manager bij Hudson Cybertec in Den Haag worden jouw expertises beloond met goede arbeidsvoorwaarden:·       Salarisvan €5.500,00 tot €7.800,00 ·       Lease auto, laptop en telefoon ·       Thuiswerken en flexibele werktijden·       27 verlofdagen en 10 atv-dagen en variabele beloningen·       Mogelijkheden tot het volgen van cursussen voor persoonlijke ontwikkelingSollicitatieprocedureContactgegevensBedrijfsnaam: FYGIContactpersoon: Jeffrey TrubendorfferAdres: Pelenerf 12Postcode/plaats: 3861 PR NijkerkTelefoon: 0653588810Email: [email protected]
QSHE manager
Unique Multilingual, Rotterdam
Are you an experienced quality safey health and environment manager? Are you looking for a job at an internationally established company? Aplly immediately!Our client is a leading provider of ration packages, producing and delivering high-quality products to customers worldwide. Committed to excellence, we are seeking a dynamic and experienced QSHE Manager to join their team and drive the implementation of robust Quality, Safety, Health, and Environment (QSHE) practices throughout the organization.As a QSHE Manager you will play a pivotal role in shaping and maintaining the QHSE policies. Your responsibilities will include:Initiating QHSE policies and ensuring their effective implementation;Conducting internal and external audits to ensure compliance;Analyzing and identifying potential risks within the organization;Developing and implementing improvement plans;Performing quality controls to maintain product standards;Conducting Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E);Obtaining ISO certifications to uphold international standards;Engaging employees and colleagues in QHSE policies;Coaching KAM (Quality, Safety, Health, and Environment) team members;Providing advice and collaborating with the management team.Requirements: For the job as QSHE manager we are looking for the following:A tertiary qualification in this field;Work experience of 2+ years in a similar environment such as dietary supplements, food industry or the beverage industry, with at least 1 year in a supervisory capacity;A strong knowledge of current Good Manufacturing Practise and FSSC 22000;Good knowledge of quality testing within the Food and Beverage industry including analytical, microbiological, and sensory evaluation;An ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines, make effective decisions, and work overtime from time to time as required;Good computer knowledge and computer-based applications;An ability to influence and lead others;Must be able to multitask and have a strong attention to detail;A team player with an ability to work across multiple functions;An effective communicator verbally and in writing, including a good understanding of the English language;It is preferred that you are is possesion of HACCP certifications and/or allergen control training.Work Hours: 40 hours per weekAbout the company: The contractor is a leading MRE (made ready to eat) meals, snacks, and beverage ration pack supplier. they produce, pack, and deliver according to a client’s specifications often under high compliance and tight deadlines across the World. They are based in the south of Rotterdam and are good to reach from nereby places such as Barendrecht and Dordrecht.
Hindi speaking Account Manager
Language Matters Recruitment Consultants, Kampen
Are you a real 'doer' and is SALES second nature to you? Do you have a strong affinity with Indian cuisine? Would you like to work for a fast-growing, international trade organisation? Then this job might be a perfect fit for you!We are looking for a commercially driven account manager to join the sales team of our client in Asian Food and Sauce. As an individual, you work on your own successes, but more importantly: you contribute to the success of your division. You are therefore independent but also a real team player. Our client offers you the opportunity to further develop yourself and your sales talent.In the position of Hindi speaking Account Manager you are responsible for:The development and expansion of your own customer portfolio. This portfolio will mainly consist of Indian tokos and wholesalers within Europe;Approaching and starting potential customers;Frequent telephone contact with the customer;Building and maintaining lasting relationships;Contributing to revenue growth.What else do you need to be able to perform this job properly?A good command of Hindi and English, both written and oral;A basic or intermediate level of Dutch (A2- B1+).Mastery of the Bangla, Punjabi or Tamil language is an advantage;Minimum MBO working and thinking level;Commercial drive, independence and good communication skills;Numerical insight with a positive and customer-oriented attitude.*Note that visa sponsorship is not possible at the moment for this position. It would be great if you are already in the Netherlands on a partnership or family visa. We offer you an exciting job where you have plenty of opportunities to develop yourself with your vision. In addition, you will receive the following from us:A competitive salary on the market.A permanent position in case of good performance;A pension of which the accrual is 100% at our expense; This means a nice net advantage!5 weeks of vacation based on a 40-hour working week;You get unlimited access to the online training platform GoodHabitz, which ensures that you can continuously develop within your own interests!Do you live more than 10 km away from us? Then you will receive a travel allowance of € 0.23 per km with the full number of kilometers reimbursed;A company laptop;A company iPhone or, if you prefer to use your own phone, a monthly allowance of € 25.00 net per month. Recruitment process: A screening call with our consultant, Krystal.Interview with the HR department from the end client.Interview with one of the direct hiring managers.Does this opportunity excite you? Apply today and get in touch!To apply, please send your CV in Word format to Krystal. languagematters is acting as an employment agency in relation to this vacancy.Requirements: What else do you need to be able to perform this job properly? * A good command of Hindi and English, both written and oral;* A basic or intermediate level of Dutch (A2- B1+).* Mastery of the Bangla, Punjabi or Tamil language is an advantage;* Minimum MBO working and thinking level;* Commercial drive, independence and good communication skills;* Numerical insight with a positive and customer-oriented attitude.About the company: -
Junior Carrier Manager | English C1
Undutchables, Venlo
The Carrier Manager holds the responsibility for developing, coordinating, and overseeing the last mile of our client's European outbound flows and the first mile of their returns flows.Your role involves managing the relationship with suppliers, encompassing evaluation, negotiation, selection, and implementation, as well as ongoing performance monitoring. As a part of the 9 FTE Carrier team, you will report to the relevant manager.Your responsibilities include:Designing and implementing process enhancements across European carrier networks to optimize costs, service quality, and footprint.Overseeing distribution performance and ensuring on-time service delivery.Managing communication between suppliers and various internal departments, such as Warehouse, Transport, IT, Customer Service, Finance, and Sales.Participating in cross-functional business process improvement projects.Conducting audits and verifying distribution-related invoices.Undertaking other duties as required.Requirements: Bachelor's/master’s degree in a related field like Supply Chain Management, Transport, Econometrics, or Economics.2 - 3 years of work experience, ideally with a retailer, carrier, and/or consulting firm.Proven track record in sourcing and contract negotiations with carriers and/or other logistics providers.A willingness to tackle deep data analysis to explore new possibilities.Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and German/French.Salary Benefits: Opportunities for growth in a rapidly expanding company.Travel allowance of 0.21 cents per km.Non-contributory pension.25 vacation days (full-time basis) with the option to purchase an additional 10.8% holiday allowance.20% discount on all our client's products.About the company: Our client is a rapidly growing international online retailer. They offer indoor and outdoor furniture. They are continually expanding their product range and offer the best products for the best price. They like to go the extra mile for their customers by improving popular products and making them even cheaper. They operate across multiple nations and have plans to broaden their geographical reach in the coming years. The procurement operations are primarily centered in Asia, with sales extending throughout Europe, Australia, and the United States. Additionally, expansion into several countries within South America, the Middle East, and Asia is on the horizon.
Cash Pool Manager
, leiden, NL
Al 75jaar werken de medewerkers van Charles River samen om te helpen bij het ontdekken, ontwikkelen en veilig maken van nieuwe geneesmiddelen. Wanneer u bij onze familie komt, heeft u een belangrijke impact op de gezondheid en het welzijn van mensen over de hele wereld. Of uw achtergrond in levenswetenschappen, financiën, IT, verkoop of een ander gebied is, uw vaardigheden spelen een belangrijke rol in het werk dat we uitvoeren. In ruil hiervoor helpen wij u een carrière op te bouwen waar u over gepassioneerd kunt voelen.Job SummaryIn this challenging position you will manage the European Cash Pool Management System to optimize liquidity management across the entire European cash pool group, with responsibilities to include utilization of the FIS Integrity Treasury Management System "TMS" and management of daily funding requirements, cash forecasting, investments, banking services, and reporting. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:Responsibilities pertain to the company's European Cash Pool Management System.- Utilize and maintain the in:house bank module of the TMS to manage multicurrency cash pool liquidity, target cash balances, and daily sweep activity.- Maintain and/or update intercompany interest rates in TMS quarterly.- Manage the monthly interest calculations and capitalization of cash pool Deposits and Loans.- Execute the TMS journal entry process and the export of journal entries to SAP; review booked entries for accuracy.- Prepare necessary reports to assist third party advisor with the calculation of cash pool base compensation and surplus profit/loss and determine distribution of such- On:board or off:board cash pool participant entities into the Cash Pool Management System including updates to the Cash Pool Management and Intercompany Loan Agreement.- Manage cash pool:related banking relationships and quality of cash pool services.- Perform bank account maintenance for cash pool accounts, such as account openings or closings, FATCA and KYC refresh.- Assist with the timing and process of dividend repatriation among the cash pool entities, the annual Deposit and Loan repayment process, and new medium:term loan agreements, as required.- Collaborate with the cash pool participant entities to develop and/or maintain accurate cash forecasts and determine liquidity/working capital needs.- Participate in strategic finance decisions, including assessment of cash needs and risk and determining best financing option with the Treasury Team.- Recommend borrowings or repayments on the Credit Agreement revolving line of credit.0- Oversee the credit risk of the cash pool manager entity's IC Loan receivable with the Credit Agreement Subsidiary Borrower.- Continually seek ways to improve earnings per share such as efficiently managing bank fees, interest income, and interest expense.- Prepare presentation materials for quarterly board of directors' meetings.- Assist Tax team with cash pool related tax compliance, auditing and other related matters as assigned.- Assist with the annual benchmarking of arms:length interest rates and transfer pricing documentation- Manage long:term and short:term investment strategies for the cash pool.- Evaluate new investment opportunities, assess performance benchmarks, and make investment recommendations to senior management.- Assess foreign exchange risk and any other risks. Assist in developing an action plan to mitigate risks. Manage and execute approved foreign exchange hedging program for cash pool exposures.- Recommend, implement, and manage process improvements.- Ensure operational compliance with Sarbanes Oxley controls, Credit Agreement covenants, and corporate policies.- Assist auditors with Sarbanes Oxley testing and SEC reporting support.- Manage special projects and all other related duties as assigned.Job Qualifications-
Senior Project Manager
Eurail, Utrecht
Senior Project Manager Our TeamWe advocate for the positive impact travelling can have in the world. We are Eurail, and we have all the stops to take our customers’ curiosity further.If we are going to inspire the world, then we need the right people around us. We are proud of our culture at Eurail, underpinned by our established company values that define and guide what is important to our people. We’re a diverse team of talented colleagues (from 50 countries!) who have a real curiosity for the world around them.We strive to ensure that all of our people have the chance to innovate, influence and grow. With our international team (working hybrid from our HQ in Utrecht and/or from your home in the Netherlands), we believe that creative thinking and diversity help to improve our brands and ultimately create a unique and repeatable experience for our customers.We’re on the search for……someone who can go One Stop Further by taking our vision to the next level and helping us drive and lead internal and international IT-related projects. As the senior project manager, you lead cross-functional teams to deliver results that benefit our customers and colleagues. You will identify project goals, objectives, and scope and create a project plan outlining the required tasks, timelines, and resources. You ensure that projects proceed according to scope, schedule, budget, and quality standards. Examples of current projects on the backlog are delivering a European real-time train timetable to all our customers, including train delays and platform changes, implementing a technical middle layer for our distributors and B2B partners (distributors), and moving our DWH to the AWS cloud.What you’ll be doingYou’ll be joining the IT team, primarily responsible for improving and maintaining the complete IT infrastructure and developing new features for our customers. You will report directly to the CIO.You’ll be involved in: Initiating, executing and delivering projects that are outlined in the strategic roadmap. Afterwards, evaluate projects and document lessons learned.Ownership of project life cycle: successful project delivery includes full implementation from initiation to delivery in several projects simultaneously.Manage all aspects of a project: planning, supplier relationships, stakeholder management, communications, resources, budget, and risk management. Operate the day-to-day project activities and resources and chair the project management team meetings. Monitoring the project objectives and variables: scope, resources, quality of deliverables, time, budget, risk and issues.Monitor, track and provide status reporting regarding project milestones, critical path deliverables, dependencies, risks and issues.Set and continually manage project and program expectations while delegating and managing deliverables with team members and stakeholders.Manage and motivate project teams of highly skilled professionals and substantively strong colleagues.Ensure that key stakeholders (internal clients, product owners, etc) are involved and informed about progress.What we’re looking forIt's already looking like a possible match when you share the same mindset as us, being forward-thinking, results-driven, caring and embracing diversity.In terms of your experience and strengths:5+ years of project management experience in all its aspects.5+ years of experience working with business stakeholders in all kinds of disciplines (marketing, sales, finance, HR and IT).Be able to combine Waterfall projects within an Agile (SAFe) environment.You are result-driven by working creatively and analytically, demonstrating teamwork, innovation and excellence.Understand interdependencies between technology, operations and business needs.Demonstrate decisiveness in resolving business problems, making decisions and identifying priorities.Ability to transfer expertise and knowledge to colleagues and suppliers.In addition, it’s bonus points if you have…Knowledge of the SAFe framework.A love of sustainable travel!Already hold the correct documents to work in the NetherlandsOur offerYou have the flexibility to manage when and where you work, with our hybrid way of working. Whether you need collaborative, quiet or social time, either face-to-face or online, everything is possible, but keep in mind that it’s necessary to come to the office some days per week. A complimentary NS train card for work and leisure travel across the Netherlands.An annual free Interrail travel pass for you and a companion (and any immediate dependents), so you can explore Europe with your family or friends and share the same experiences as our customers.Unlimited access to OpenUp psychologists to enhance mental well-being.An annual team trip across Europe to experience our product first-hand.Support for your work-life balance through a generous personal allowance.The autonomy to develop your own personal and professional growth plan using your individual annual training budget.An enhanced annual leave package of 28-30 days, plus study days, volunteer days, and Good Friday.Salary Scale: 61, Monthly gross salary (excluding 8% allowance): from € 6050 to € 8000 based on experience.Diversity, inclusion and belongingTravelling is about making connections. Our culture reflects and represents the communities that our product proudly connects. We share our traveller’s natural curiosity, passion for adventure and embrace of new experiences.We offer a safe environment where you can bring your whole self to work, recognising that our strength lies in our differences and our values. Through self-organising teams that encompass a diverse range of views, skills and backgrounds, we encourage a culture of openness, curiosity and flexibility - attributes vital to deepening our shared understanding of customer perspectives.And just as travel is about discovery, we are on a continuous journey to make our culture even more inclusive.Curious to apply?Apply directly via our website (https://jobs.eurail.com/en/vacancies).We'll ask you to share your resume in English (our business language) and tell us why you're excited about Eurail and this particular role. It doesn't hurt to be creative; we love to see your personality shine through.To show off your skills, we may also ask you to complete a short assessment as part of the processIf we feel you might be a good fit, the next step is a fairly informal interview with some of your potential new team members. For you, this is helpful to understand if Eurail is your ideal workplace, and for us, it tells us more about the value you would bring.In the meantime…Following your application, we will provide you with an update, even if you are unsuccessful. We appreciate the effort it takes to apply for a new role so we ensure that we respond to every candidate.If you’re curious to know more, why not check us out on LinkedIn and get a feel for our culture, our values, and our place in the world. And we’re eager to answer any questions you might have too… just send them over to [email protected] and our People & Culture team will pick them up.Requirements: .
Sr Workforce Staffing Manager, MEU AMZL WFS
Amazon, Rozenburg, NL
DESCRIPTIONAt Amazon we believe that every day is still day one.A day to take a first step. A day to look forwards to new challenges. And today is that day for you. It's your day to be part of something great. A day to make your ideas come to life. And your day to join a company that redefines itself every day. That's the energy and passion behind Amazon. At Amazon, we're working to be the most customer-centric company on earth. To get there, we need exceptionally talented, bright and driven people. Amazon is one of the most recognizable brand names in the world and we distribute millions of products each year to our loyal customers.Our overall mission is simple: we want Amazon to be the place where our customers can find, discover and buy anything online. Whatever our customers want, we will find the means to deliver it. With your help, Amazon will continue to enable people to discover new worlds.This is your chance to make history.Key job responsibilitiesThe Regional Workforce Staffing Manager AMZL will support Amazon's last mile business needs for temporary hourly paid support, working in partnership with external staffing providers.Key job responsibilities- Regional functional and disciplinary lead of the AMZL Staffing Team in MEU- Build trustful working relationship with stakeholders management (Operations, HR, Finance, Legal, PR, Training, Health and Safety, Temp Agencies). - Establish and help to maintain agency working relationships across all cross functional teams and all delivery stations.- Manage Employee Relation escalations.- Develop labor strategy and drive vendor performance to ensure sufficient staffing across the network. - Be responsible for staffing related metrics. - Collaborate and build strong relationship in the capacity planning process. Review and provide regular updates on Workforce Planning requirements and highlight any risk.- Coordinate regular meetings between agencies and Amazon to drive best practice across the regions. - Audit agencies regularly on quality of recruitment and staffing processes. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations:Rozenburg, 0600, NLDBASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelors Degree or equivalent in Staffing or relevant field- experience in managing staffing- experience in managing external vendors - Fluent in German and/Or English - Excellent vendor management skills - Excellent communication skills with internal and external leadership teams along with the ability to mediate between large groups of suppliers.- A great focus on attention to detail with the ability to multi task in a target driven and fast paced organization.- The ability to think on feet and react to a wide range of issues. - The ability to produce/ analyze detailed reports from large data sets.- experience in managing a team of 3-6 Specialists and ManagersPREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS- MBA- experience in managing temporary staffing agencies- project management skills and/or equivalent certificates (e.g. PRINCE2)- ability to travel up to 30% of your time Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates.