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Het overzicht van de statistiek van de arbeidsmarkt in

1 393 € Gemiddeld maandsalaris

Niveau van het gemiddelde loon in tijdens laatste 12 maanden

Valuta: EUR USD Jaar: 2024
Op de staafdiagram zijn gegevens van de verandering van het gemiddelde loon in voorgesteld.

10 populaire branches volgens de vacatures in

Valuta: EUR
Meest gevraagde specialisten in de branche Transport en Logistiek in . Volgens de statistiek van onze website, het aantal vakatures binnen die brache bedraagt 21.4% van alle aanbiedingen in .

Top van de branches volgens niveau van het loon in

Valuta: EUR USD Jaar: 2024
Meest betaalbare branche in is Productie. Het gemiddelde loon in die branche bedraagt 2500 eur.

Aanbevolen vacatures

Rondslijper (conventioneel en cnc)
Hamers Metaalbewerking B.V., Tilburg, Noord-Brabant
De werkzaamheden bestaan uit het programmeren en (CNC) rondslijpen van hoogwaardige producten. Het betreft vaak enkelstuks of kleinere serie’s. Je controleert je werk en meet de kwaliteit van het geleverde werk.WerkzaamhedenHet bewerken van producten aan de hand van tekeningen en werkinstructies.Het controleren van de vervaardigde producten met de juiste meetmiddelen.Constateren van afwijkingen en aandragen van verbeteringen.Zorg dragen voor het realiseren van de planning.Zorg dragen voor een schone en opgeruimde werkplek.Bereid tot het verrichten van eventuele andere voorkomende werkzaamheden.Wij bieden jeGoed salarisUitzicht op een vast dienstverbandEen uitdagende baan in een succesvol groeiend bedrijfUitstekende arbeidsvoorwaardenWat heb je nodig?Afgeronde technische MBO opleidingErvaring als (CNC) rondslijperNauwkeurig kunnen werkenFlexibel ingesteld zijnInteresse?Wij zien graag jouw cv met motivatie tegemoet.Hamers Metaalt.a.v. Marcel Hamers ([email protected] kanaaldijk 1475013 BJ Tilburg
Software Test Engineer
sQout, Tilburg
FunctieomschrijvingAls je graag werkt aan alle facetten van apps, van ontwerpen tot perfectioneren, én het leuk vindt om te werken in een development team op basis van Agile en DevOps, dan is deze uitdagende en afwisselende functie waarschijnlijk iets voor jou. Zeker als je een vakfreak bent die de technologische ontwikkelingen goed bijhoudt en veel verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel hebt. Je kunt goed de oorzaak achterhalen van een mislukte test, zowel geautomatiseerd als manueel door jou uitgevoerd, en spoort bugs op. Overige taken zijn integratie van geautomatiseerd testen en zorgen dat de apps aan alle acceptatiecriteria voldoen.Functie-eisenJe hebt hbo/wo werk- en denkniveauJe beheerst de Nederlandse taal, mondeling en schriftelijk Je bent bekend met testautomatisering (plus bijbehorende infrastructuur) Je denkt analytisch, bent erg precies, resultaatgericht en je kunt zelfstandig werken Je beheerst Javascript, maar je hebt ook verstand van CucumberBedrijfsomschrijvingDit is een jong IT-bedrijf uit Tilburg dat oplossingsgericht werkt voor een specifieke branche. Hun IT-specialisten werken aan apps die heel belangrijk zijn voor de zeer grote groep gebruikers. De betreffende apps zorgen ervoor dat veel mensen er op een eenvoudige manier gebruik van kunnen maken en zaken kunnen regelen die van belang zijn. Je doet dus zeer nuttig werk. De uitvoering van je werk vindt plaats met behulp van moderne technieken. Het is dus doorslaggevend voor je resultaten dat je ontwikkelingen op dit terrein goed bijhoudt, maar je wordt daarbij geholpen omdat je de kans krijgt om opleidingen te volgen, cursussen en interessante bijeenkomsten bij te wonen. Je kunt je bij deze werkgever ontwikkelen door gebruik te maken van de geboden mogelijkheden. Als je hier werkt, kun je rekenen op aandacht en steun.ArbeidsvoorwaardenHet betreft een vaste functie functie op een vaste werklocatiePartime en flexibele werktijden zijn bespreekbaarEen prima salaris op basis van opleiding, werkervaring en aantal uren (Het salaris bedraagt minimaal bijna € 2400,-- tot maximaal € 4468,-- bruto  per maand exclusief vakantiegeld en eindejaarstoeslag bij een werkweek  van 34 uur). Zeer fraaie secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden (laptop van de zaak) Je gaat aan de slag in een modern kantoor Alle kansen om jezelf te ontplooien SollicitatieprocedureInteresse in deze functie? Stuur dan je C.V. in wordformaat met vermelding van je salarisindicatie en per wanneer je beschikbaar naar: [email protected]: sQoutContactpersoon: Werving- en selectiebureau sQoutAdres: Rivium 2e straat 24Postcode/plaats: 2909 LG Capelle aan den IJsselTelefoon: 010-2427595Email: [email protected]
Chauffeur CE
IQ Select B.V., Tilburg, Noord-Brabant
Met het grootste aanbod aan vaste banen bij de mooiste opdrachtgevers, onderscheidt IQ Select zich van andere uitzendbureaus. Wij zien onszelf niet als uitzendbureau, maar als jouw bemiddelaar naar vast werk. Wij hebben de mooiste vacatures bij goede solide bedrijven die het verdienen om ingevuld te worden, echte banen bij prachtige bedrijven! Banen met een langdurig perspectief, een goed salaris en fijne collega's; dat is wat wij voor jou zoeken en vinden.IQ Select – het betere werkFunctiebeschrijvingDe vakantieperiode is aangebroken en de mensen gaan weer meer barbecueën en samen eten, dat betekend dat de supermarkten weer vaker gevuld moeten worden. Om deze reden zijn wij op zoek naar chauffeurs CE.Wat ga jij doen? Als chauffeur CE zorg jij er voor dat de supermarkten die samen werken met onze klant weer goed gevuld gaan worden. Doordat je verschillende routes hebt kom je op verschillende plekken en ontmoet je dagelijks nieuwe mensen. Je vervoert levensmiddelen en meestal zitten er maar twee adressen per rit. Tijdens het laden en lossen wordt je geholpen door personeel wat jouw werk wel heel makkelijk maakt. Je kan als chauffeur CE zowel fulltime als parttime aan de slag. Wie is de opdrachtgever?Onze opdrachtgever is een distributeur voor levensmiddelen, frisdranken en bouwmaterialen. Het bedrijf heeft 3 grote vestigingen en 10 standplaatsen door heel Nederland. Vanuit de vestiging in Tilburg zoeken zij een chauffeur CE die de goederen wil vervoeren en deze tijdig bij de klanten kan afleveren. Ben jij de chauffeur CE die wij zoeken?Ben jij een enthousiaste chauffeur met een rijbewijs CE en zoek je een vaste baan waar jij uiteindelijk in dienst treed bij onze opdrachtgever? Stuur dan jouw CV naar [email protected] of bel ons op 076-3037777.  Sluit deze vacature niet aan op je wensen maar ben je wel op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging? Maak dan een afspraak met ons om alsnog een nieuwe uitdaging te vinden die bij jou past.Functie-eisenIn het bezit van een geldig rijbewijs CE Geldige Code 95 en bestuurderskaartKlantgericht en communicatief vaardigVerantwoordelijkheidsgevoel en oog voor veiligheidFlexibiliteit in werktijden ArbeidsvoorwaardenEen uitdagende functie als vrachtwagenchauffeur CE in de winkeldistributieSalarisschaal D6 conform de CAO TLNEen dienstverband met uitzicht op een vast contractEen modern wagenpark en goed onderhouden materiaalMogelijkheden voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling en bijscholing
Vrachtwagenchauffeur CE
IQ Select B.V., Tilburg, Noord-Brabant
Werken bij IQ Select betekent voor jou:Een zeer stipte betaling, altijd op tijd het juiste salarisHet grootste aantal vacatures voor vaste banenWij werken uitsluitend met de mooiste opdrachtgeversWij zijn geen uitzendbureau maar een bemiddelaarWij bemiddelen jou naar vast werkDoorgroeimogelijkheden, wij stippelen jouw carrière uitEen baan passend naar jouw wensen en eisenOpleidingen of bijscholing wordt jaarlijks verzorgd door IQ SelectEen persoonlijke en betrokken contactpersoon die voor je klaar staat!FunctiebeschrijvingWie is de opdrachtgever?Wij zoeken een vrachtwagenchauffeur CE in de omgeving van Eindhoven, die aan de slag wil gaan voor een familiebedrijf dat actief is in de logistieke dienstverlening. Deze opdrachtgever stelt graag de klant centraal en investeert in haar werknemers. Ook hecht dit bedrijf waarde aan veiligheid en eerlijkheid. Het hoofdkantoor is gevestigd in hartje Utrecht en het is een snelgroeiende, dynamische en internationale organisatie, waarbij het succes sterk afhankelijk is van hun vrachtwagenchauffeurs en werknemers. Wat ga jij doen?Je bent verantwoordelijk voor het vervoer van bouwmaterialen naar verschillende bouwbedrijven door heel Nederland en België, waarbij jij wordt geladen en gelost! Fysiek dus geen zwaar werk en je kan lekker wat kilometers maken! Het betreft dagwerk van maandag tot en met vrijdag, Ieder avond dus lekker thuis! Daarnaast is er uitzicht om in vaste dienst te komen met veel doorgroeimogelijkheden zoals het behalen van jou LZV of andere cursussen die jij wilt volgen. Kortom een opdrachtgever die met zijn chauffeurs meedenkt en daar naar luistert. Ben jij de topper die wij zoeken?Ben jij de nationale vrachtwagenchauffeur die op zoek is naar een vaste baan bij een goede en leuke werkgever? Ben jij sterk in communicatie en collegiaals? Reageer dan snel via [email protected] of bel naar 040-8202000. Is dit werk niet ideaal voor jou? Dan hebben wij nog een berg openstaande vacatures die wellicht wel aansluiten. De koffie staat klaar!Functie-eisenRijbewijs CECode 95 + bestuurderskaartErvaring is een pre, geen eisFlexibele instellingArbeidsvoorwaardenSalaris en vergoedingen conform CAO TLN - BeroepsgoederenvervoerSalarisindicatie tussen de € 500,- en € 700,- netto per weekFunctie tot overname Volgen van cursussen zoals het LZV certificaat
Social media medewerker gezocht! - Tilburg
, Tilburg
Vacature Wil jij werken als socialmedia medewerker, kom dan ons team versterken!WAT GA JE DOEN?Wij zijn op zoek naar een enthousiaste Social Media Medewerker die verantwoordelijk zal zijn voor het beheren en onderhouden van social mediakanalen, met specifieke focus op LinkedIn. De taken omvatten het beantwoorden en plaatsen van berichten, met als doel het bedrijf online tot leven te brengen en betrokken te houden.DE VOORDELEN:Aantrekkelijk uurloon van €14,50 Wekelijkse uitbetaling + 19,15% reserveringen Een inspirerende werkomgevingOVER HET BEDRIJFHet bedrijf bevindt zich in Tilburg. het bedrijf staat bekend om het bieden van innovatieve mobiele batterijsystemen,die een veelzijdige stroomvoorziening leveren voor diverse toepassingen. De werktijden zijn van 08:30 tot 17:00. Werkdagen zijn in overleg dat biedt ook flexibiliteit.WIE BEN JIJ? Beschikbaarheid van 24 uur per week Per direct beschikbaarSOLLICITERENHeb je interesse in deze vacature. Solliciteer! Voor vragen kun je contact opnemen met onze recruiter Manal via 06-43298606  Recruiter Manal , bereikbaar op tel. 0643298606
Internationaal chauffeur
IQ Select B.V., Tilburg, Noord-Brabant
IQ Select de supermarkt van de vaste banen in het transport!Op zoek naar de perfecte vaste baan in transport? Zoek niet verder! IQ Select staat voor je klaar. Wij zijn dé supermarkt voor transportbanen, en we willen jou helpen om je droombaan te vinden bij de mooiste opdrachtgevers.Wat maakt IQ Select anders? We begrijpen dat jouw baan meer is dan alleen werk. Het is een deel van jouw leven en carrière. Daarom gaan we verder dan simpelweg cv's matchen. We leren jou persoonlijk kennen – jouw vaardigheden, ambities en wat jou uniek maakt. Zo kunnen we je verbinden met een werkgever die niet alleen bij je past, maar die je ook de kansen en groei biedt die je verdient.Met het grootste aanbod transportbanen, voor alle soorten vrachtwagenchauffeurs en logistieke helden, bij ons heb jij die keuze. Wat jouw expertise ook is, we hebben passende banen voor  jou. Onze focus ligt op kwaliteit boven kwantiteit. We werken samen met de beste bedrijven in de sector die jouw inzet waarderen en belonen met de beste voorwaarden en een vaste baan.Bij IQ Select draait het om tevredenheid. Onze reputatie is gebouwd op succesverhalen van zowel werkzoekenden als werkgevers. We zijn jouw brug naar die geweldige kansen in de transportwereld. Geen gedoe, geen giswerk. Alleen een persoonlijke reis naar een fantastische nieuwe vaste baan.Klaar om de volgende stap te zetten? IQ Select staat voor je klaar. Jouw toekomst in transport begint hier en nu!FunctiebeschrijvingInternationaal Chauffeur - Een wereld van mogelijkheden op wielenAls toegewijde partner van onze opdrachtgever, met een passie voor internationaal transport en een liefde voor de open weg, kun je nu deel uitmaken van ons team en jouw rijvaardigheden inzetten voor het internationale koel- en vriestransport! Namens onze gewaardeerde opdrachtgever zijn we op zoek naar een ervaren Internationaal Chauffeur om bij te dragen aan het succes van hun transportonderneming in Stroe door ladingen veilig en op tijd af te leveren.Wat maakt jouw rol speciaal:• Diverse mogelijkheden: Kies tussen ritten van maandag tot en met vrijdag, weekendwerk, of een avontuurlijke trip van maar liefst 12 dagen, waarbij je hoofdzakelijk in Ierland rijdt en geniet van prachtige uitzichten.• Geconditioneerde vrachten: Ongeacht of je ervaring hebt, ons bedrijf staat klaar om jou de fijne kneepjes van het vak te leren.Ben jij de topper die wij zoeken?Ben je klaar om een aantrekkelijk salaris te verdienen en internationaal de weg op te gaan? Dan ben jij de Internationaal Chauffeur die we zoeken! Stuur direct jouw CV naar [email protected]. Als je nog vragen hebt, bel ons op 076-3037777.Is deze vacature niet helemaal wat je zoekt? We hebben nog tal van andere vacatures die wellicht beter aansluiten op jouw wensen. De koffie staat klaar!Functie-eisenRijbewijs CECode 95 en bestuurderskaartFlexibele instelling (twaalf dagen van huis)Communicatief vanwege het vele klantcontactZelfstandig en hands on mentaliteitErvaring als vrachtwagenchauffeurArbeidsvoorwaardenBetaling conform TLN CAOWekelijks salaris van +/- €1000,- netto per week Functie voor overname
Chauffeur C
IQ Select B.V., Tilburg, Noord-Brabant
Werken bij IQ Select betekent voor jou:Een zeer stipte betaling, altijd op tijd het juiste salarisHet grootste aantal vacatures voor vaste banenWij werken uitsluitend met de mooiste opdrachtgeversWij zijn geen uitzendbureau maar een bemiddelaarWij bemiddelen jou naar vast werkDoorgroeimogelijkheden, wij stippelen jouw carrière uitEen baan passend naar jouw wensen en eisenOpleidingen of bijscholing wordt jaarlijks verzorgd door IQ SelectEen persoonlijke en betrokken contactpersoon die voor je klaar staat!FunctiebeschrijvingWie is de opdrachtgever?Onze klant is een van de grootste horecaleveranciers in Nederland. Voor hun locatie in Breda zoeken zij meerdere chauffeurs. Ben jij chauffeur met minimaal het  C rijbewijs en geldig Code95? Lees dan snel verder!Wat ga jij doen als chauffeur C?Dagelijkst start jij, na een goede kop koffie, rond de klok van 04.30 aan jouw rit. Door de dag heen kom jij op diverse plekken in de regio variërend van restaurants, ziekhuizen, pretparken en soms zelfs vliegvelden. Als chauffeur C vind jij het belangrijk om goed contact met je klanten te hebben. Je bent immers het visitekaartje voor de organisatie en kenmerkt jezelf als ambassadeur voor de opdrachtgever. Nadat je bij de laatste klant bent geweest, zal je tussen 15.00 en 16.00 weer terug zijn op de locatie in Breda. Binnen deze functie is het mogelijk om zowel parttime als fulltime aan de slag te gaan. Een goede dosis humor is nooit weg! Nog niet veel ervaring? Geen probleem! Deze opdrachtgever leert jou graag de stuurkunsten die je moet bezitten!Ben jij of ken jij de chauffeur C die wij zoeken? Stuur dan jouw CV naar [email protected] of bel ons op 076 303 7777. Is dit werk niet ideaal voor jou? Dan hebben wij nog heel veel andere vacatures die wellicht wel aansluiten op jouw wensen! De koffie staat klaar!Functie-eisenRijbewijs C / CECode 95 en bestuurderskaartFlexibel en representatiefServicegericht en vriendelijkArbeidsvoorwaardenWat krijg je er voor terug ?Eigen CAO met €500,- en €700,- euro per weekVaste baanGezellige werkomgeving
Chauffeur LZV
IQ Select B.V., Tilburg, Noord-Brabant
Met het grootste aanbod aan vaste banen bij de mooiste opdrachtgevers, onderscheidt IQ Select zich van andere uitzendbureaus. Wij zien onszelf niet als uitzendbureau, maar als jouw bemiddelaar naar vast werk. Wij hebben de mooiste vacatures bij goede solide bedrijven die het verdienen om ingevuld te worden, echte banen bij prachtige bedrijven! Banen met een langdurig perspectief, een goed salaris en fijne collega's; dat is wat wij voor jou zoeken en vinden.IQ Select – het betere werkFunctiebeschrijvingMaak kennis met dé opdrachtgever die de Nederlandse wegen beheerst! Dit dynamische familiebedrijf, een ware titan in de transportwereld, is op zoek naar jou! Als een van de grootste transportbedrijven in Nederland, hebben ze zich gespecialiseerd in verschillende transportgebieden, waaronder het Benelux-transport, drankenlogistiek, bulktransport en winkeldistributie. Met meer dan zevenhonderd wagens die dag in, dag uit door de Benelux razen om de beste service te bieden, zoeken ze nu naar een stralende ster in de wereld van chauffeurs LZV.Ben jij klaar om de weg te veroveren? Als chauffeur LZV zul je jouw route vanuit Waalwijk naar het Spar-distributiecentrum in Heerenveen rijden. En hier komt het mooie gedeelte: je rijdt vaak dezelfde route, waardoor je perfect weet wat je te wachten staat! Je hebt de keuze tussen dag- en avonddiensten, wat betekent dat je kunt schitteren in twee vroege diensten (tussen 04:00 uur en 13:30 uur) en twee late diensten (tussen 13:30 uur en 01:30 uur). Je werkdag duurt ongeveer tien tot twaalf uur, maar hier is het beste deel: jouw vracht is al voor je klaargezet! Je hoeft alleen nog maar de rolcontainers in de LZV te laden en dan ben je klaar om de weg op te gaan. Ben jij de chauffeur LZV die wij zoeken om ons team te versterken? Wacht niet langer en stap aan boord van deze spannende reis!Ben jij de topper die wij zoeken?Ben jij de LZV chauffeur die wij zoeken, of ken jij iemand die dit chauffeurswerk graag wilt doen? Laat dat dan direct weten! Bel ons op 076 303 7777 of mail jouw CV naar [email protected] dit werk toch niet ideaal voor jou? Dan hebben wij nog heel veel vacatures die mogelijk wel aansluiten op jouw wensen. De koffie staat klaar!Functie-eisenRijbewijs CECode 95BestuurderskaartLZV certificaatArbeidsvoorwaardenSalaris en toeslagen conform de CAO beroepsgoederen vervoerSalaris per week tussen de 550 en 700 euro nettoVaste baanReiskostenvergoeding
Chauffeur CE
IQ Select B.V., Tilburg, Noord-Brabant
Werken bij IQ Select betekent voor jou:Een zeer stipte betaling, altijd op tijd het juiste salarisHet grootste aantal vacatures voor vaste banenWij werken uitsluitend met de mooiste opdrachtgeversWij zijn geen uitzendbureau maar een bemiddelaarWij bemiddelen jou naar vast werkDoorgroeimogelijkheden, wij stippelen jouw carrière uitEen baan passend naar jouw wensen en eisenOpleidingen of bijscholing wordt jaarlijks verzorgd door IQ SelectEen persoonlijke en betrokken contactpersoon die voor je klaar staat!FunctiebeschrijvingWie is de opdrachtgever? Onze opdrachtgever is een toonaangevende speler op de huidige arbeidsmarkt, daarnaast is de overkoepelende organisatie een van de grootste (transport) organisaties ter wereld. Ter uitbreiding van het huidige chauffeurs team zijn zij op zoek naar meerdere chauffeur (s) CE voor voornamelijk geconditioneerd transport. Wat ga jij doen als chauffeur CE? Als chauffeur CE houdt jij je hoofdzakelijk bezig met het rijden van geconditioneerde ritten. Voornamelijk zijn dit diepgevroren producten die jij levert op verschillende adressen, waaronder supermarkten en groothandels. De ladingen die jij bij je hebt staan voornamelijk op rolcontainers die jij tot op de klep bij de winkels lost, hier neemt het winkelpersoneel het van je over. Omdat jij werkt met diepgevroren producten is het belangrijk dat jij op de hoogte bent van de HACCP regels, dit voorkomt onnodige bederving. Ter afwisseling staan er soms ook leuke DC ritten op de planning, uiteraard zijn er voor het laden en lossen van bij deze ritten hulpmiddelen aanwezig (EPT). Er wordt voornamelijk gewerkt van maandag tot en met vrijdag, wat betekend dat jij de weekenden standaard vrij hebt. De starttijden liggen tussen 03:00u en 11:00u afhankelijk van de rit(ten) die voor jou gepland zijn. Ben jij de chauffeur CE die wij zoeken? Draai jij je hand niet om voor het rijden door smalle straatjes, en kom jij graag op verschillende adressen door het hele land? Wellicht ben jij dan de chauffeur CE die wij zoeken! Stuur ons een mail met jouw CV naar [email protected] of neem telefonisch contact met ons op via 040-8202000.Is dit niet de baan van jou dromen? Daag ons dan uit om de geschikte match voor jou te maken, de koffie staat klaar! Functie-eisenCE rijbewijsCode95 en bestuurderskaartNederlands of Engels sprekendBij voorkeur enige CE ervaringWoonachtig in regio TilburgArbeidsvoorwaardenVerloning conform TLN CAONetto salaris tussen de € 450,- en € 600,- per weekUitzicht op een vast dienstverband 
HR Administrator
, tilburg, NL
DP Worldis a leading enabler of global trade, providing smart logistics solutions which connect the worlds of business, logistics and people on the ground. Within our Logistics pillar, our core services focus on five key supply chain links:Inbound Logistics, Outbound Logistics, Fulfillment, Reverse and Repair, and Freight Management. Our business grows consistently as existing customers extend their services and new brands partner with us to design, build, and provide strategic value:added contract logistics services. Within Europe, we have operations in a wide range of countries, including France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey and the UK.For ourever:evolving HR team in the Netherlands, we are currently looking for anHR Administratorto join ourHR Shared Service Center in Tilburg.Are you someone who gets a lot of energy from handling all kinds of supporting HR activities in a dynamic, logistics environment? Do you prefer a role where every day is different and where you will have plenty of opportunities to develop yourself. Next to your daily responsibilities as an HR Officer, you will be part of several exciting projects that will contribute to the optimization of our HR Shared Service Center workflows. You will be encouraged to think along with us and share your input on how we can make our HR processes even better. You will be the connecting factor between our (new) employees and our larger DP World HR organization. Sounds interesting? Apply todayYour Key Responsibilities:As an HR Officer, you are part of DP Worlds HR Shared Service Center Team in Tilburg and the first point of contact for (new) employees regarding any HR:related matters and responsible for all HR administration and associated processes.In addition, you main responsibilities include::Checking and processing personnel changes regarding inflow, throughflow and outflow of employees;:Taking care of all checks in the system and HR correspondence;:Answer questions regarding employment conditions, legislation, policies and regulations and ourHR systems;:Requesting and processing Purchase Orders;:Provide advice on DP Worlds HR policies and procedures;:Ensuring that our HR information systems (AFAS, Kronos (time registration) and personnel files are kept up to date;:Providing HR reports and optimizing HR processes;:Contributing to accurate consolidation and checksof the monthly payroll administration.Your Background::You have completed a vocational or bachelorsdegree, preferably in the field of HR;:A minimum of 3 years relevant work experience in a comparable HR role within HR and Payroll administration and support;:Excellent proficiency (spoken and written) in both Dutch and English language is a must;:Experience with and/orknowledge of AFAS is desirable, affinity with HR Information systems is required;:You are service:oriented with a decent level of accuracy and flexibility;:You are at least 32:40 hours per weekavailable;:You are based and authorized to work in the Netherlands with the ability to workonsite at our Tilburg office : working from home is possible for 1 day per week.CompensationDP World offers exciting and challenging roles within a growing international organization. We strive to hire and develop the right people, locally and globally, stimulating personal growth and self:development within an informal atmosphere. We offer a market competitive compensation package.About DP WorldTrade is the lifeblood of the global economy, creating opportunities and improving the quality of life for people around the world. DP World exists to make the world's trade flow better, changing what's possible for the customers and communities we serve globally. With a dedicated, diverse and professional team of more than 103,000 employees spanning 75 countries on six continents, DP World i
Assistant or Associate Professor in Strategy or Entrepreneurship
Tilburg University, Tilburg
PositionAs part of a continuing growth initiative, the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship of Tilburg University invites applications for a position of assistant or associate professor in Strategy or Entrepreneurship. We are able to hire an applicant to join the Department in any month during 2024/2025. Requirements: ProfileThe candidate should have research and teaching interests in (combinations of) various subfields of Strategy and/or Entrepreneurship, such as corporate venturing, business innovation, new venture growth and survival, new product development, business modelling, business- and corporate-level strategy, strategic renewal, and international business. We are looking for a candidate with demonstrated excellence in research in the form of multiple top publications, plus evidence of strong teaching, service, and grant application ability. Specifically, we look for a candidate who can fulfil the following criteria in a balanced approach:Research: A record of research excellence as evidenced by papers published in premier academic journals, including an active research agenda and demonstrated leadership within the strategy/entrepreneurship community. The candidate is expected to continuously advocate, lead, and contribute to the research activities in the department. Education: A demonstrated record of teaching excellence within the strategy/entrepreneurship discipline. We expect the candidate to contribute to outstanding education at both undergraduate and graduate levels after joining the position. Ability to teach in Dutch is a plus. Possession of a (Senior) University Teaching Qualification is a plus.Impact: Significant service and contribution to the academic community, as evidenced by current or past editorial board memberships of premier academic journals, conferences, and workshops, as well as serving in grant review committees. Grant acquisition: The candidate is expected to be active in the acquisition of grants. Leadership in industry partnerships and a record of externally funded research are valued highly.  Leadership: Managerial and leadership experience will be a plus. The candidate is expected to collaborate with and coach junior researchers and teachers in the team and understand and act in line with the vision of the Department, School, and University. Team spirit: The candidate is accountable for contributing to a positive culture within teams, the Departments, the School and the University as a whole. We expect that the candidate can foster team-play by giving encouragement and support to efforts of others. As part of the university’s gender equality roadmap, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply for the position. Candidates selected for this position will play a significant role in the rapidly expanding Bachelor of Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation, as well as the Master of Strategic Management and Master in International Management programs offered by the department. The Department also oversees a robust Ph.D. program in Strategy & Organization, geared towards preparing future researchers for successful academic careers with outstanding international placements. We prioritize exceptional education grounded in scientific research that equips our students for successful careers in the business world.Salary Benefits: For the position of Assistant Professor, we offer a fulltime tenure-track position for six years. Tenure decisions for Assistant Professors are made in their fifth year based on performance indicators agreed upon at the start of the appointment. We expect that candidates have the potential to grow towards an Associate Professor and/or Full Professor role in the future. The starting gross salary is based on scale 11 of the Collective Labor Agreement Dutch Universities. Candidates may be eligible for an early tenure decision and accompanying starter grant funded by the Dutch government. For the fulltime position of Associate Professor, we offer a permanent contract. The starting gross salary is based on scale 13 of the Collective Labor Agreement Dutch Universities.  You are entitled to a holiday allowance amounting to 8% and a year-end bonus of 8.3% of your gross yearly income. Faculty moving to the Netherlands may be eligible for tax abatement for a period of five years (30% facility). Visit Working at Tilburg University | Tilburg University for more information on our employment conditions.Address: Warandelaan 2
Visiting Research Fellows
Tilburg University, Tilburg
The Department of Public Law and Governance (PLG) at Tilburg Law School offers four visiting research fellowships for a six-month period (September-February or February-July) as part of the Research Project Imperialism, Business & Human Rights | Tilburg University conducted by dr. Dalia Palombo | Tilburg University (Assistant Professor of Human Rights Law and Principal Investigator). The fellows’ profileThe Fellows will be, ideally, students writing their PhD in any social science field who are interested in spending a semester conducting research on their PhD as well as on the Principal Investigator Research Project at Tilburg Law School. If you are not formally enrolled in a PhD but are pursuing an individual research project in any social science field that would fit the Principal Investigator Research Project, you are welcome to apply. The fellows’ individual research projectThe Fellow’s Individual Research Project (i.e. your PhD) should be focused on decolonial approaches, indigenous methodologies, non-Western philosophical foundations of human rights or a related topic. Requirements: What do we ask? The fellows will be expected to contribute to the Principal Investigator Research Project in the following two ways. First, each Fellow will develop his/her own Individual Research Project (60% of the time). The findings of this research will be analyzed and discussed with the Principal Investigator and the other Fellows in both teams and individual meetings. The purpose of these meetings would be to initiate a dialogue beneficial to both the Principal Investigator Research Project and the Individual Research Project developed by each Fellow. Second, each Fellow will submit a literature review on a topic previously defined by the Fellow and the Principal Investigator and related to the Fellow’s individual research project. The literature review will be used by the Principal Investigator in order to write part of her Research Project. Fellows shall expect to spend 40% of their time on the literature review. Salary Benefits: What do we offer? Tilburg University is committed to an open and inclusive culture, embracing diversity, and encouraging the mutual integration of groups of staff and students. We create equal opportunities for all our staff and students so that everyone feels at home in our university community. We work in a vibrant and lively (work) environment on our beautiful campus, close to the forest and easily accessible by public transport. We are committed to a sustainable society and challenge you to make an active contribution to this. Tilburg Law School offers shared office space and library access. Based on the fellow's situation, an adequate offer will be drawn up for travel expenses, accommodation expenses and a daily living allowance within the fiscal possibilities. In principle, these conditions apply only if the fellow is not employed elsewhere.Individual Research Time 60% of your time would be available to you to develop your individual research agenda. You will have several opportunities to discuss your research with the Principal Investigator, your fellow colleagues, as well as other members of the PLG Department at Tilburg Law School. The visiting fellowship lasts six months and it is an opportunity for you to have a break from your usual work in order to conduct research. Tilburg University will not be your employer, and the Principal Investigator will not become your PhD supervisor. Furthermore, you will not become a co-author of the outputs generated by the Principal Investigator Research Project.  Address: Warandelaan 2
Assistant or Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship
Tilburg University, Tilburg
PositionsAs part of a continuing growth initiative, the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship of Tilburg University invites applications for a position of assistant or associate professor in entrepreneurship. We are able to hire an applicant to join the Department in any month during 2024/2025. We welcome applications from individuals with research and teaching interests in entrepreneurship.Requirements: The candidate should have research and teaching interests in (combinations of) various subfields of entrepreneurship, such as social entrepreneurship, inclusive entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship, corporate venturing, and nascent entrepreneurship. We are looking for a candidate with demonstrated excellence in entrepreneurship research in the form of multiple top publications, plus evidence of strong teaching, service, and grant application ability. Specifically, we look for a candidate who can fulfil the following criteria in a balanced approach: Research: A record of research excellence as evidenced by papers published in premier academic journals, including an active research agenda and demonstrated leadership within the entrepreneurship community. The candidate is expected to continuously advocate, lead, and contribute to the research activities in the field entrepreneurship in the department. Education: A demonstrated record of teaching excellence within the entrepreneurship discipline. We expect the candidate to contribute to outstanding education at both undergraduate and graduate levels after joining the position. Ability to teach in Dutch is a plus. Possession of a (Senior) University Teaching Qualification is a plus.Impact: Significant service and contribution to the entrepreneurship community, as evidenced by current or past editorial board memberships of premier academic journals, conferences, and workshops, as well as serving in grant review committees. Grant acquisition: The candidate is expected to be active in the acquisition of grants. Leadership in industry partnerships and a record of externally funded research are valued highly.  Leadership: Managerial and leadership experience will be a plus. The candidate is expected to collaborate with and coach junior researchers and teachers in the team and understand and act in line with the vision of the Department, School, and University. Team spirit: The candidate is accountable for contributing to a positive culture within teams, the Departments, the School and the University as a whole. We expect that the candidate can foster team-play by giving encouragement and support to efforts of others. As part of the university’s gender equality roadmap, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply for the position. Salary Benefits: For the position of Assistant Professor, we offer a fulltime tenure-track position for six years. Tenure decisions for Assistant Professors are made in their fifth year based on performance indicators agreed upon at the start of the appointment. We expect that candidates have the potential to grow towards an Associate Professor and/or Full Professor role in the future. The starting gross salary is based on scale 11 of the Collective Labor Agreement Dutch Universities. Candidates may be eligible for an early tenure decision and accompanying starter grant funded by the Dutch government. For the fulltime position of Associate Professor, we offer a permanent contract. The starting gross salary is based on scale 13 of the Collective Labor Agreement Dutch Universities.  You are entitled to a holiday allowance amounting to 8% and a year-end bonus of 8.3% of your gross yearly income. Faculty moving to the Netherlands may be eligible for tax abatement (30% facility) for a period of five years. Visit Working at Tilburg University | Tilburg University for more information on our employment conditions.Address: Warandelaan 2
Teaching-oriented Assistant Professors in Entrepreneurship and/or Strategy
Tilburg University, Tilburg
PositionsAs part of a continuing growth initiative, the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship of Tilburg University is inviting applications for experienced teaching-oriented assistant professors in entrepreneurship and/or strategy. We are able to hire applicants to join the Department in in the summer of 2024. We are looking for candidates with a PhD in entrepreneurship and/or strategy with evidence of strong teaching plus some demonstrated research potential. We are searching for people who have both a passion for teaching and a desire to do academic research. The ability to teach in Dutch is a big plus. Possession of a (Senior) University Teaching Qualification is a plus.Requirements: ProfileThe candidate should have teaching and research interests in (combinations of) various subfields of Strategy and/or Entrepreneurship, such as corporate venturing, business innovation, new venture growth and survival, new product development, business modelling, business- and corporate-level strategy, strategic renewal, and international business. As part of the university’s gender equality roadmap, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply for the position. Candidates selected for this position will play a significant role in the rapidly expanding Bachelor of Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation, as well as the Master of Strategic Management and Master in International Management programs offered by the department. We prioritize exceptional education grounded in scientific research that equips our students for successful careers in the business world.Salary Benefits: We offer contracts with between 20-40% research time based on past research output. Tenure decisions are made after 18 months based on performance indicators agreed upon at the start of the appointment. The starting gross salary for assistant professors is based on scale 11 of the Collective Labor Agreement Dutch Universities. Depending on experience and background candidates may be eligible for a starter grant funded by the Dutch government.  You are entitled to a holiday allowance amounting to 8% and a year-end bonus of 8.3% of your gross yearly income. Faculty moving to the Netherlands may be eligible for a tax abatement for a period of five years (30% facility). Visit Working at Tilburg University | Tilburg University for more information on our employment conditions.Address: Warandelaan 2
Postdoctoral researcher (postdoc) in AI for acoustic biodiversity monitoring
Tilburg University, Tilburg
Are you looking for a research position that combines machine learning with helping to protect nature? Would you like to apply and develop AI methods for sound? Do you want to conduct research that has international academic impact, and also a positive environmental impact?The Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University is looking for a postdoctoral researcher, for an 18-month position within the European funded project TABMONThe TABMON project will apply autonomous acoustic sensing to biodiversity monitoring across a large geographic range in Europe (from Norway to Spain). Sound recording devices will be placed in diverse bird habitats. Within this project, you will develop machine learning algorithms to analyse these large volumes of audio data. You will investigate the leading algorithms as well as novel ideas, you will carefully design training datasets, and evaluate the performance of algorithms to ensure they work as intended across many countries, in many habitats and seasons.You will be working with collaborators from multiple countries, including specialists in signal processing, machine learning, and ecology. At Tilburg University you will be part of a research group with unique world-leading expertise in machine learning for animal sound - see for example the Bioacoustic AI networkYour project will include the following goals:Train deep learning algorithms for bird sound classificationInvestigate the re-use of existing data and algorithms, and their combination with new innovative algorithmsEvaluate algorithms for balanced performance across our European case studies (different habitats, species etc)Investigate advanced training/application of AI algorithms: not just for classification, but for direct inference of biodiversity-related quantities such as relative population sizesExplore combining acoustic data with data from other sourcesCollaborate with project partners in different European countriesWrite high-quality articles for academic conferences and journalsPublish developed AI algorithms as reusable softwareRequirements: Required skillsEssential:PhD in one of the following fields, or closely related: machine learning, computer science, applied mathematics, statistics, signal processing, acoustics, bioacousticsExperience in training and evaluating deep learning algorithmsHigh proficiency in programming (especially Python)High quality of academic writing in EnglishGood spoken English language skillsAbility to work independently and self-motivated.Desirable:Experience in machine learning for sound/acousticsExperience in one of the main DL frameworks (e.g. PyTorch, Tensorflow)Experience with international collaborationExperience with software deployment frameworks suitable for machine learning (e.g. Docker, HuggingFace)Good publication record appropriate to the career stageDemonstrated interest in biodiversity, animal behaviour, animal sound, or related topicsSalary Benefits: What we offerA fixed-term contract of 18 months at 1.0 FTE.The candidate will be ranked in the Dutch university job ranking system (UFO) as Researcher 4. The starting gross salary for a full-time appointment is (minimally) € 3.226,- up to (maximally) €5.090,- per month. Grading based on relevant experience.A holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3% (annually)Researchers from outside the Netherlands may qualify for a temporary tax-free allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary. Tilburg University will apply for such an allowance on their behalf.Tilburg University is rated among the top Dutch employers and offers excellent fringe benefits, including excellent technical infrastructure, savings schemes and excellent sport facilities.The collective labor agreement of the Dutch Universities applies.Work Hours: 40 hours per weekAddress: Warandelaan 2
PhD Position at the intersection of Operations Management and Strategic Management at Tilburg University CentER Graduate School of Business
Tilburg University, Tilburg
PhD position at the intersection of Operations Management and Strategic ManagementThe Department of Information Systems & Operations Management seeks applications for a doctoral student position at the intersect between Operations Management and Strategic Management. As a PhD student you will primarily work on the development, implementation, and publication of research projects. The PhD position will be based in the Department of Information Systems & Operations Management. The Department of Information Systems & Operations Management with their world class academic staff contributes to research published in leading outlets and makes an impact on our industry and NGO partners, and on the livelihoods of millions. Faculty cover a wide range of research topics and methods and belong to the top 10 ISOM research groups in Europe. You will be able to benefit from the department’s strong research focus and its numerous resources (e.g., databases, research seminars, brown bags and reading groups, career planning, skills-enhancement workshops, international conferences, contacts with practitioners, etc.). You will be enrolled as a PhD candidate in the world-class PhD program of CentER Graduate School of Business, where you will receive extensive training in theory and methods by taking several PhD-level courses (about 36 European credits) in information economics/ operations management, econometrics, machine learning, extensive data analytics and qualitative research methods. The training can be adapted to the previous educational achievements of the PhD candidate by mutual agreement with the supervisors, with whom the candidate will collaborate closely to identify, develop, and carry out the research project. PhD candidates are supervised by two faculty advisors, of which at least one is senior. There is also a travel budget for attending PhD level courses outside of CentER, work visits and conferences. About 80% of the position’s time will be dedicated to the completion of your PhD research, and 20% to the acquisition of academic skills through teaching courses and supervising master/bachelor theses within the department.The Ph.D. dissertation will be a product of the student's creativity and initiative, shaped with guidance from the advisors, and will demand a strong dedication to scientific exploration. A PhD dissertation at CentER requires the design and execution of 3 studies. The execution of the research work itself typically involves the conceptualization of the research questions and ideas, data collection, qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of the data, and writing and presenting of academic papers. The aim is to publish about those projects in high-quality academic journals. Upon successful completion of your courses and your research work, as demonstrated by a submitted and approved PhD dissertation and the subsequent defence, you will be awarded a doctoral degree by Tilburg University.   For a start by September 2024, we seek to recruit a candidate for a PhD position at the intersect of Operations Management and Strategic Management for a project focusing on leveraging Blockchain-based Smart Contracts (BbSCs) and similar technological solutions for more effective purchasing and supply management. BbSCs –self-executing contracts where the terms of agreement or conditions are written into lines of code– are increasingly being adopted across sectors to aid organizations in enforcing contractual obligations by autonomously performing transactions using funds held in escrow that are only executed when predefined conditions are met. Despite smart contracts’ increasing adoption, there is limited actionable guidance for managers and companies on when to use blockchain-based smart contracts, i.e., which kinds of business transactions can be effectively served using smart contracts. The PhD project is intended to enhance our understanding of how blockchain technology can prove to be valuable for purchasing and supply management activities, and is intended to focus on the following three themes: transparency in and trustworthiness of transactions, efficiency and cost reduction, and its integration with the IoT (Internet of Things).  Faculty leads: Wendy van der Valk, Geert Duijsters, Bart Dormans.  Your work environment You will work in a pleasant working environment; a green campus with plenty of facilities, and at a leading, entrepreneurial, and innovative university in the humanities and social sciences. The university employs 2,400 staff members and hosts 20,000 students of some 100 different nationalities. For nearly a century, the university has worked in a tradition of contributing to society. We strive to be a community where differences in age, gender, orientation, and cultural and religious backgrounds are valued, with equal opportunities for colleagues and students and where decisions take into account the importance of preserving Earth for future generations.   Read more about the university here. Your schoolTilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) is one of Europe’s leading centers for research in business and economics, with research rankings consistently among Europe’s top 10 across various business domains, including Operations Management (#8 UTD). In addition to the strong research focus and collegial research climate, it offers a wide variety of educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate level, with about 7,000 students enrolled. The School is well-connected to both policy makers and industry in the region and internationally, providing ample opportunities for creating impact with research.Tilburg School of Economics and Management Increasing your value Tilburg University is rated among the top Dutch employers and has excellent terms of employment.With us, you will find everything you need to maximize your potential and development. We offer excellent facilities and support for research, education, and making societal impact. In all three of these areas, we “recognize and reward” you in line with national university aspirations. With great opportunities such as obtaining a senior teaching qualification, collaborating in an academic collaborative center, or participating in our Connected Leading program. We attach great importance to team spirit and have a clear, shared vision of (personal) leadership (Connected Leading) . Developing qualities such as self-reflection, dialogue, and transparency are central to this. We expect managers to embrace this and continue developing in this respect. Read more about careers at Tilburg University and personal development here.Requirements: Requirements1.    An academic Master’s or MPhil/Research Master’s degree in business studies, economics, operations management, strategic management, industrial engineering or another relevant field that is deemed an equivalent to the previous education profile.2.    Completed the previous degree with an excellent GPA (top 10% of class as guideline)3.    Proficiency in English to be proven by means of an IELTS score of at least 7.0, with no sub scores below 6.5, a TOEFL score of at least 100 (internet based) or 600 (paper based), a Cambridge CAE (at least B) or a Cambridge CPE. Exemptions can be provided upon request to native English speakers or to candidates who have obtained their bachelor’s and master’s degree in English in Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, or New Zealand.4.    A solid quantitative background, to be proven in one of the following ways:-    candidates with a MSc or MPhil degree from a Research University in the European Union need to have at least 24 ECTS credits in quantitative and research methods courses during their BSc and/or MSc or MPhil programs. If this is not the case, but you would still like to be considered for admission, you are welcome to hand in a GRE or GMAT test score to show your quantitative competences.-    candidates with a MSc or MPhil degree from a university outside the European Union: please provide a recent GRE or GMAT test score.Salary Benefits: Your terms of employment Your valuable contribution will be rewarded with attractive benefits and sufficient attention to work-life balance. Our offer includes:-    A position based on 1.0 fte (40 hours per week)-    An appointment for the total of 48 months. The selected candidate will initially be appointed for 18 months, with an extension for the following 30 months based on a positive evaluation. The evaluation will take place after about 14 months.-    A starting gross salary is € 2,770 per month (for a full-time appointment) in the first year, up to € 3,539 in the final year. In addition to your monthly salary, you will receive 41 vacation days (for a 40-hour work week), a holiday allowance (8%), and a year-end bonus (8.3%). We reimburse the full cost of sustainable commuting: walking, cycling, or public transportation. We have a moving expenses scheme that makes it attractive to live close to the university. You will be enrolled in the ABP pension fund through us. Our Options Model allows you to choose from a variety of facilities at a tax advantage. You can work in a hybrid manner: on campus and from home. Researchers from outside the Netherlands may qualify for temporarily a tax-free allowance of 30% (tax regulation may change as of January 1, 2024) of their taxable salary if they meet the relevant conditions. The university applies for this allowance on your behalf. Address: Warandelaan 2
Intercompany Accountant | English
Adams Multilingual Recruitment, Tilburg
Do you have experience in accounting/finance and you are looking for opportunities within an international company? Our client, a very welcoming and dynamic company within consumer goods located in Tilburg, is looking for an English-speaking Intercompany Accountant. What you will doAs an Intercompany Accountant, you will be responsible for the day-to-day tasks and administration of related inter-company receivable and payable transactions. Your daily tasks will include, but not be limited to:Generate intercompany charge invoices and ensure timely paymentPerform periodic controls of the Sub ledger and the General Ledger systems and give input (in terms of completed reconciliations) to the General Ledger department for month-end closingFacilitate internal and external auditsReviewing and keeping inter-company balances to zero and explaining should out-balances existProactively identify and ensure compliance to USGAAP and report any compliance issues.Responsible for timely booking of intercompany receivable and payable transactions, payment of invoices, reporting on other intercompany, and elimination accounts, while proactively identifying weak points and suggesting improvements to these processes.What is in it for youEnthusiastic international team25 days of holidays (+13 ADV Days)End-of-year bonusThe opportunity to become a part of a great company€3,000.00 EUR - €3,200.00 EURWho you areMBO and/or HBO education level1+ years of experience in the accounting/finance rolesIdeally with SAP experience and familiarity with USGAAPKnowledge of accounting, reconciliation, and balancing principlesExcellent English communication skills (both verbal and written)Result-oriented, stress-resistant, with an eye for detail and a high level of integrityCurrently residing and eligible to work in the NetherlandsDoes this seem interesting? Feel free to apply or contact me for more information at [email protected].Please note, that we can only consider candidates who are currently living in the Netherlands and possess a valid working permit.We never request payment from candidates, and we always contact you through our official business accounts and platforms. If someone asks you for money, it’s probably a scam. Please always make sure that the job you’re applying for is listed on our website.
GL Accountant | English
Adams Multilingual Recruitment, Tilburg
Do you have experience in accounting and you are actively looking for opportunities within an international company? Are you immediately and full-time available? Our client, a very welcoming and dynamic company within consumer goods located in Tilburg, is looking for an English speaking GL Accountant. Main Responsibilities: Prepare monthly journal entries including accruals, prepaid expenses, fixed asset additions and depreciation, bank fees and other miscellaneous transactionsHandle monthly account reconciliations and balance sheet analysisProcess monthly, quarterly, and year-end closingMaintenance of customer program sub-ledgers, P&L analysis, and moreWhy should you apply?Friendly and international environment100% travel allowance€3,000.00 EUR - €3,200.00 EUR monthly salaryHybrid work modelMain Requirements: Degree in accounting and/or finance2-3 years of experience in accountancyFamiliar with US GAAP and/or SOXKnowledge of SAP is a plusDoes this seem interesting? Feel free to apply or contact me for more information at [email protected].Please note, that we can only consider candidates who are currently living in the Netherlands and possess a valid working permit.We never request payment from candidates, and we always contact you through our official business accounts and platforms. If someone asks you for money, it’s probably a scam. Please always make sure that the job you’re applying for is listed on our website.
Junior Researcher (postdoctoral) Position for Project on Digitalization in the Global South
Tilburg University, Tilburg
The Department of Culture Studies at Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Tilburg University is seeking to appoint a junior researcher (postdoctoral) for a new project on Digitalization in the Global South. The successful candidate will conduct outstanding research on the growing use of digital technologies in Asia, Africa, and/or Latin America and help manage a proposed research lab that will serve as a hub for the project. The appointment is for two years (0.8 fte/32 hours a week). Find out more information about the department on TSHD- DCU.The position is open to candidates with a research profile in data science, digital humanities, science and technology studies, media and communication studies, culture studies, information science, internet governance, or a related area. The successful candidate will be expected to carry out innovative research on the social, political, and economic impact of digitalization in one or more regions of the Global South, with a focus on digital policymaking. They will also be expected to participate in the management of a research lab, including online content development and the organization of activities such as roundtable discussions and colloquia, under the supervision of dr. Saif Shahin and dr. Mingyi Hou.Your ResponsibilitiesThe main duties of the position are as follows:Produce cutting-edge scholarship as part of a new research lab on digitalization in the Global South;Produce original content for the lab’s website, such as research briefs, policy summaries, and/or data-driven reports;Curate documents and procure and archive data from public sources for the website;Help organize periodic roundtable meetings with scholars on campus;Help organize an international symposium;Publicize the work of the lab on social media; andHelp secure research funding to expand the work of the lab.Requirements: The successful candidate will meet the following expectations:EssentialHave, or be close to completing, a doctoral degree in data science, digital humanities, science and technology studies, media and communication studies, culture studies, information science, internet governance, or a related area;A publication record commensurate with the candidate’s career stage;An outstanding program of empirical research related to digitalization in the Global South;Evidence of the potential to obtain significant peer-reviewed research funding;Demonstrated ability to collaborate with colleagues;Proficiency in academic-level written and spoken English;Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to communicate with non-academic audiences; andAwareness of legal and ethical principles related to digital research.DesirableA track record of successful grant applications;Experience in writing for non-academic audiences;Experience in organizing research conferences or symposia;Experience in data management and/or web administration; andProficiency in a major language from the Global South.Salary Benefits: The successful candidate will be given a two-year position. The position will be graded in the Dutch university job ranking system (UFO) as Researcher 4. Depending on the candidate's experience, the salary for this position based on 0.8 FTE is between € 2976 and € 3348 gross per month based on a salary scale 10 step 3 minimum and 10 step 6 maximum of the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities. The preferred starting date is 1 September 2024.Tilburg University is rated among the top of Dutch employers and has excellent terms of employment, such as a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% (annually), an options model and reimbursement of moving expenses. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may qualify for a tax-free allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary. The university will apply for such an allowance on their behalf. The Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences will provide assistance in finding suitable accommodation. The Collective Labor Agreement of Dutch Universities applies.Information and applicationThe deadline for application is 15 May 2024. If you have any questions about the position or the project, please contact the project leaders, dr. Saif Shahin ([email protected]) and dr. Mingyi Hou ([email protected]). For more information about the department, you may reach out to head of the Department of Culture Studies, dr. Tom Van Hout ([email protected]). The only way to apply is online. To apply, please submit the following information:A cover letter explaining how you meet the selection criteria for the position, drawing on examples from your educational and/or professional experiences;Curriculum vitae; andNames and contact details of three references.Work Hours: 32 hours per weekAddress: Warandelaan 2
Teaching-oriented Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation
Tilburg University, Tilburg
PositionsThe Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship of Tilburg University invites dynamic and passionate individuals to apply for a position as a teaching-oriented Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation. We have two position openings. As one of our new Assistant Professors of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, you will play a pivotal role in nurturing the enterprising spirit of our students. You will:Co-teach innovative, experiential Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation courses, focusing on design thinking, product development, business modeling, and business planning. Collaborate with industry professionals such as scale-up entrepreneurs, professional investors, corporate entrepreneurs, and new business developers to bring real-world insights into your classroom and ensure our students benefit from the latest trends and practices. Contribute to the department’s cohesion and enterprising spirit. We expect you to challenge the status quo and proactively contribute to our endeavors.You will teach (mostly) courses in the BSc Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation program and supervise graduation projects. The E&BI program is unparalleled in its ambition to provide a relevant and evidence-based academic degree program that equips and empowers future business innovators and entrepreneurs. Its curriculum is designed to introduce students to the scholarly evidence base that provides a solid basis to develop professional competence. The program complements more traditional courses with experiential, challenge-based, and team-learning-based courses. These offer a hands-on learning journey, enabling students to immerse themselves in real-world challenges and opportunities to start and scale businesses and learn through and from immersing.Your teaching tasks will ensure you develop beyond traditional teaching roles; you will coach, mentor, and bridge between academia and practice, guiding students as they prepare to become pioneers who tackle substantive societal challenges. Successful candidates demonstrate a passionate drive to become a teaching-oriented scholar in Entrepreneurship and/or Business Innovation. We can hire applicants to join the Department in the summer of 2024. We are looking for candidates with a Ph.D. from a reputable university, evidence of strong teaching, and some demonstrated research potential. The ability to teach in Dutch is a big plus, as is possession of a (Senior) University Teaching Qualification.Requirements: Are you:  A candidate with a doctoral degree from an AACSB-accredited school or from a school with outstanding scholarly credentials,Someone with disciplinary roots in industrial design engineering, sociology, business administration, or psychology,Experienced in teaching courses on (combinations of) various subfields of entrepreneurship and/or innovation, such as new venture growth and survival, new product development, or business model innovation, An entrepreneurial thinker with experience in, or a strong understanding of, business modeling, design thinking, product- and production engineering, and new product development,Familiar with experiential and challenge-based pedagogies,Then consider joining us.As part of the university’s gender equality roadmap, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply for the position.Salary Benefits: We offer contracts with 20-40% research time based on past research output. Tenure decisions are made after 18 months based on performance indicators agreed upon at the start of the appointment. The starting gross salary for assistant professors is based on scale 11 of the Collective Labor Agreement Dutch Universities. Depending on experience and background candidates may be eligible for a starter grant funded by the Dutch government.  You are entitled to a holiday allowance amounting to 8% and a year-end bonus of 8.3% of your gross yearly income. Faculty moving to the Netherlands may be eligible for a tax abatement for a period of five years (30% facility). Visit Working at Tilburg University | Tilburg University for more information on our employment conditions.Work Hours: 40 hours per weekAddress: Warandelaan 2